Zyuratkul National Park

Zyuratkul is a national park of Russia, located in the Chelyabinsk region, occupying a area of 882 km2. The park was created in 1993 to preserve the unique natural complex of these places, cultural, historical, archaeological sites, as well as for environmental education of the population. In the park at an altitude of 724 meters, the only high mountain lake on the western slope of the Southern Urals is located. The park has rich flora and fauna, due to the location of the thaw and forest-steppe zones on the border.

Zyuratkul National Park

On the lands of the park is the highest ridge of the Chelyabinsk region – Nurgush with a maximum height of 1406 meters and stretching for more than 50 km. In the national park there are a large number of natural monuments such as: Zyuratkul Lake, Kalagaza and Berezyak rivers, Vyazovaya Grove, Zyuratkulsky Pillars. The main tourist attractions are 5 ridges ( Urengi, Nurgush, Lukash, Moskal ), to one of them - Zyuratkul, an "ecotrop" was held". For parking, you can stay at the recreation center "Ekopark Zyuratkul", in it you can visit a small zoo in which the animals of the Urals are gathered: Himalayan bears, spotted deer, camels, reindeers.

Over 650 species of plants grow on the lands of the park, 70 of them are in the Red Book. Approximately 90% of the park is occupied by dark-neck forests, in places birch forests are found. A lot of representatives and the animal world - over two hundred. Among them are bears, foxes, martens, guest houses, moose, robeers, hares. Approximately 20 species of fish live in rivers and water bodies of the national park. In rivers you can catch a forest, perch, raft, and in clean and cold waters there is trout with harius.

Zyuratkul National Park

The first people settled here about 17,000 years ago. Near Lake Zyuratkul there are 12 parking lots of ancient people. Partly left parts of buildings and tools. In the Satkin Museum of Local Lore, some items found during excavations.

The tourist infrastructure is well developed in the national park. You can hunt game, go fishing, rent a boat, or go on an excursion. For visitors, 13 routes have been developed, in addition to the park, some routes affect the nearest mountain ranges of Iremel and Zigalga. The routes are mostly hiking and skiing in winter, there is also cycling and during the flood you can swim along the mountain rivers.

Zyuratkul National Park Zyuratkul National Park Zyuratkul National Park Zyuratkul National Park Zyuratkul National Park Zyuratkul National Park
Zyuratkul National Park - geographical coordinates
Latitude: 54.848889
Longitude: 58.940556


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