Riviera Park in Sochi
Riviera Park is one of the most famous and popular parks in the city of Sochi. For visitors here they arranged a large number of attractions, cafes, sports fields and benches for relaxation.

The park was laid in 1898 by the famous entrepreneur Khludov Vasily Alekseevich, and before the revolution, the area where he lived and was the park was called Khludovsky. In the 1900s, the park switched to the balance of the city and it was divided into parts by topic. With the advent of Soviet power, the park became even more popular - tourists made dates, rested and had fun here. The main attraction of the park was "Friendship Polyan", in which many famous politicians and astronauts clamped magnolias. The first tree was planted by the chairman of the GDR Council of Ministers Otto Grotevol, then Valentina Tereshkova, Yuri Gagarin, Alexey Leonov, German Titov, Thomas Stafford planted their trees here. In total, 45 astronauts and astronauts planted their trees here.
On the area of Riviera Park, about 250 species of plants are located almost 15 hectares, of which 50 are especially valuable. The roses, of which there are dozens of varieties, attract much attention in the park. Rose plantations are updated annually, so the park looks new every year. For children, 5 thematic sites are presented: "American slides", "Pirate Village", "Polyanu Miracles", "Carousel Center" and "children's town". On these sites, children can ride carousels and the railway, jump on a trampoline, go fishing, play darts, aerocockeys, go to a 5D cinema. Also in the Riviera, a dolphinarium works all year round, where at least 2 times a day there are shows with dolphins, sea lions.

Walking around the park you can go to the nearest restaurant, the good in the park is full of them. Here you can try dishes of European, Japanese, Uzbek, Russian, Caucasian cuisine and not only. Having eaten, you can go to the Green Theater, built back in 1959. For the summer, many famous pop figures perform in the theater, especially satirists perform here.