Rotorua Valley

Rotorua Valley ( Whakarewarewa) – is the place to visit by visiting New Zealand. It is located in the middle of the island, on the Volcanic Plateau. The population that once inhabited the local territory called this area of Takiva-Vaiariki, which was translated as "Country of Hot Water". Here, even in the middle of the city, cracks are observed in the ground, from where warm water evaporates.

Rotorua Valley

The most important natural celebrity of Rotorua is its famous geysers. Dozens of warm water jets breaking out from under the ground cover the valley with a canopy of steam. Under the white clouds are the shore of the attached Rotorua Lake, as well as part of the settlement, on the edge of which wooden statues are built in a row, which depict the gods in whom the Māori once believed.

The locals in the past were very adapted to these unusual conditions. They built houses on an area that was warm all year round, and also ennobled pools with warm natural water, where they swam, not limited to weather events. Māori even learned to cook fish in boiling natural geysers.

Rotorua Valley

Nowadays, the owners of the hotel complexes located here also took advantage of such an unusual territory. The local pools built here are filled with warm thermal springs, and the hotels themselves are heated by the heat of the earth's bowels.

With its power, a Potuhu geyser stands out from which hot water hits 30 m up. This sight can last for an hour. Sometimes the work of a geyser is supported by his geyser neighbors, and sometimes they hit the jet in turn.

Hydrogen sulfide, which after interaction with water, is the cause of yellowish silica deposits, which embellish the outputs of the beating water keys. This is not very aromatic gas, also easy to hear in the smell, near Lake Rotorua.

A river called Puarenga flows into this lake, which takes water from hot and cold streams. In the middle of it is the island of Mokoya, where the most popular, among visitors, hot geyser Hinemoa is located. There is a rule that tourists need to swim in its waters. For local bathing residents in the warm waters of Hinemoa – this is a long-standing rite, performing which - they are healed. For the legend that exists here, the moon itself once a month leaves its place in the sky to buy in the fairy-tale Lake Aeva, which is underground. There she regains strength and returns home.

A little further from this territory are two famous lakes of Wymangu. They exist in the crater of the faded, but once even a very strong volcano. These water bodies have a different color, green and blue colors, due to the rocks on which they are located.

In addition to volcanoes, lakes, geysers, there is also a forest massif, which is an almost untouched hand of mankind. The local tree species cannot be found in any forest of the other end of the world. Also an unusual phenomenon – air roots and flowers that sprout directly from tree trunks. The local Polynes are sent by plants unknown to us. Climbing further - this territory turns into an eternal snow carpet.

The bird world is very diverse here: parrots, falcons, pigeons and of course kiwi, which are a landmark of the New Zealand lands.

New Zealand residents have managed to preserve and increase the natural wealth of the Rotorua Valley.

Thousands of people come here from all over the world to look at the unique creation of underground forces, which is located in the valley of unusual Rotorua geysers.

Rotorua Valley Rotorua Valley Rotorua Valley Rotorua Valley Rotorua Valley Rotorua Valley
Rotorua Valley - geographical coordinates
Latitude: -38.162222
Longitude: 176.256389


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