Hokkaido Island

The island of Hokkaido was formerly called Ezo; important Japanese events took place in this place, which formed the basis for the formation of Japanese statehood. The island is the second largest in Japan. It is here that the main circulation of resources - Japan's natural resources - takes place, and here you can also find a huge variety of wildlife.

Hokkaido Island

Description of the island of Hokkaido

Hokkaido is located in the northern part of Japan, where the climate is quite harsh, which is due to the fact that the cold Gulf Stream flows here. Also here a huge number of mountain ranges, which are “well blown” by winds, have a very strong influence on the climate. Locals often call Hokkaido the true northern pearl. This is where a huge amount of minerals and other valuable metals are located. Gold and iron ores are mined here for export and the domestic market, and a huge amount of silver is also located here.

Features of the island of Hokkaido

From a historical point of view, the island of Hokkaido is surprising; it is in this place that there is a huge number of architectural monuments and other old Japanese buildings. For example, on the island you can find a large number of Jomon buildings, which are unique in that they are very similar to the dwellings of the northern inhabitants of the globe - yurts. Many scientists believe that in ancient times the climate on the island was so harsh that such dwellings were insulated with animal skins and large fabric materials.

Hokkaido Island

The island of Hokkaido is far from the industrial size of other Japanese islands. There are not a huge number of factories or other offices of large technology companies located here. Local residents predominantly lead a traditional way of life, which is associated with the fact that they put agriculture and husbandry at the forefront, which are so important to the life of the traditional Japanese. A visit to the island will be useful for those who are interested in agriculture, or for those who like a measured and calm lifestyle.

Hokkaido Island - geographical coordinates
Latitude: 43.5
Longitude: 143


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