Venice Train Station

Venice train station is located in northeastern Italy. In the community he is best known as the "Venice Santa Lucia". The term "Venice train station" is a misnomer because the municipality of Venice has two main stations: Venice Mestre station on the Italian mainland and Venice Santa Lucia station in the historic center of the city 6 kilometers offshore on the Venice Lagoon.

Venice Train Station

Old Church

The history of Venice train station is interesting. The old Palladian church of Santa Lucia on the Grand Canal was demolished in 1863 to make way for the station, so the saint's name is remembered here, although her body was moved to the nearby church of San Geremia. The current building of Venice Train Station was built in a modernist fascist style and designed by Virgilio Vallo, who won a design competition in 1934. However, construction work in collaboration with Angiolo Manzoni continued slowly and was not completed (Paul Perilli) after World War II.

Patron Saint

Saint Lucy was martyred in Sicily in 304, and like Saint Mark, the patron saint of Venice, her body was stolen by the Venetian crusaders and brought to Venice as a trophy. She can be seen inside the glass-fronted altar, clothed but with her mummified arms and legs exposed and wearing a silver mask. Saint Lucy herself was from a wealthy family in Syracuse. She refused marriage proposals and gave her property to the poor. Prosecutors sent her to a brothel, but she miraculously remained motionless. They then tried to burn her, also without success, and she was eventually killed with a sword.

Venice Train Station

Architecture of Venice Train Station

This beautiful low-rise building does not distract at all from the other architecture that surrounds it. Venice railway station has expanded and welcomes 82 thousand passengers daily on 450 trains. Exiting Santa Lucia Station is one of the greatest impressions of a tourist arrival: the impressive, constantly lively panorama of the Grand Canal.

The façade of Venice Train Station has recently been restored and now looks magnificent with its shining white figures on the roof against the blue sky. The station has an impressively dark Baroque interior, lavishly decorated, and a ceiling that once had a fresco by Tiepolo, but was destroyed by an Austrian bomb in 1915. The elaborate side chapel houses the tomb of the last Doge of Venice, Lodovico Manina.

Venice Train Station Venice Train Station Venice Train Station Venice Train Station Venice Train Station Venice Train Station
Venice Train Station - geographical coordinates
Latitude: 45.440833
Longitude: 12.320833


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