Gellert Baths

The Gellert Baths are considered the most beautiful in all of Budapest, which is rightly considered a resort city. The complex was built between 1912 and 1918. Today it is part of the famous Hotel Gellert in Buda. There are 13 similar establishments in the city, and they are popular.

Gellert Baths

History of the Gellert Bath

It began even before the city appeared: a wandering monk decided to settle for a while in a cave at the foot of Mount Gellert. He accidentally discovered a miraculous source. The monk believed that it was silt or dirt that brought health benefits, but numerous studies conducted much later showed that it was water.

During the Ottoman Empire, traditional Turkish baths were installed near the source; after a hot sauna, plunging into cool water is not only useful, but also very pleasant. At the beginning of the 19th century, the “Muddy Barn” was built here; the name, although not the most pleasant, is still fair. Muddy waters are indeed quite muddy, but this has not made them any less popular.

Gellert Baths

To give the place more shine, Emperor Franz Joseph I decided to rebuild a real palace. A lot of funds were allocated for its construction; the work took 6 years. And in 1918 the grand opening took place. The result is a real work of art in the Art Nouveau style. Statues, arches, stained glass windows, columns, pools and numerous fonts with water of different temperatures.

The majestic Gellert Baths came under fire several times during the Second World War, as a result of which they turned into almost ruins. They were restored only in 2008.

Features of the Gellert bath

Visiting the baths is especially recommended for people with sore joints, pain in the intervertebral discs, problematic blood vessels and blood circulation, as well as those who suffer from asthma or bronchitis.

Today, a comfortable spa hotel has been created on the basis of the hydropathic clinic. It has two outdoor swimming pools, one of which is open even in the cold season, many swimming pools with water of different temperatures, baths and saunas, showers and changing rooms, springs with drinking water.

It is best to plan a visit to the Gellert bath early in the morning; it starts working at 6 am, and by lunchtime there are quite a lot of visitors. In order to enjoy your holiday in relative solitude, it is better to choose a time from opening until 10 o'clock.

At the entrance you will be given a bracelet; this is the key to access the Gellert bath, which opens cabins for storing personal belongings. It is useful to take a bathing cap with you; you need it when visiting a warm outdoor pool; you can fill the bottle you bring with you with water from the springs. However, if you wish, you can rent everything you need.

Gellert Baths Gellert Baths Gellert Baths Gellert Baths Gellert Baths
Gellert Baths - geographical coordinates
Latitude: 47.483708
Longitude: 19.050972


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