Zapata's swamp

In Cuba, on the Sapata Peninsula, there is an amazing nature reserve of 4354 km of the same name2, divided into several conservation areas.

Zapata's swamp

Zapata swamp is part of the vast biosphere reserve of Zapata, whose area is 6000 km2. This is the largest marshy territory in the Caribbean. In the swamps, the lowland with peat and limestone deposits prevails. The close location of groundwater was formed by such beautiful places as Laguna del Tesoro, Playa Chiron bays and Playa Larga, and the landscapes of the Atiguaniko River are no less interesting.

Vegetation in the Zapata swamps is of great interest to scientists, because over 1000 species of plants grow here, of which 130 are found only in Cuba. Over 2000 km2 covered with virgin swamp forests. In swamps, a climate favorable for many animals and insects, even in the cold season, the average temperature does not drop below 20 ° C, and the depth in the coastal zone reaches 600 meters, to allow you to feed here a lot of sea creatures. Among them, manatees located on the verge of extinction and fish manjar living only in this place are of particular interest. In general, in the Zapat swamps you can find more than 250 species of birds, 43 species of reptiles, 15 mammals. In Zapata you can see the current in Cuba of the Cuban sparrow, the Cuban pogon, and the Cuban woodpecker. Also in the local swamps is a Cuban crocodile, who is trying to live on the island of Huventud.

Zapata's swamp

Zapata's swamp is considered one of the important parts of Cuba and the government has carried out several programs to develop the region. This place is significant for the young Cuban state, because here in 1961, armed Cuban emigrants from the United States landed in the Bay of Pigs in order to overthrow the Fidel Castro regime. The attack was repelled and almost all the conspirators were captured or destroyed. One of the main man-made attractions in the swamps of Zapata is the village of Guam, which is the reconstruction of the settlement of the indigenous peoples of Cuba. Before the colonialists arrived here in the 16th century, several Indian tribes lived, but they were all exterminated and enslaved, and the remnants disappeared into a huge number of imported slaves and settlers. In the village you can look at traditional dwellings, look at local dances, rituals and purchase folk souvenirs.

Zapata's swamp Zapata's swamp Zapata's swamp Zapata's swamp Zapata's swamp Zapata's swamp
Zapata's swamp - geographical coordinates
Latitude: 22.407222
Longitude: -81.690556


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