Riding Mountain National Park

Riding Mountain is a national park located in the Canadian province of Manitoba. The park covers an area of 2973 km2 Since 1986, a biosphere reserve with the same name was formed here.

Riding Mountain National Park

The park lies in the Manitoba Escarpment, the average height of which is approximately 500 meters. In the northern parts of the Riding Mountain Park there are boreal forests, deciduous forests to the east, and in the west a large number of fields and swamps. The park has different types of soils on which its varieties of trees grow. As a rule, as if as a rule, as if aspen, as if aspoles, balsamic poplars, white spruce; on sanded mainly Banks pine trees; on wet black spruce, American larch. The average temperature in July is 15.6 ° C and − 20.6 ° C in January.

The national park lives 233 species of birds, 60 mammals and another 10 representatives of reptiles and lizards. More often than others, the following are caught: moose, wolves, beavers, black bears, white-tailed deer, coyotes, buffaloes.

Riding Mountain National Park

The Riding Mountain National Park offers a huge number of active leisure activities. For travelers laid 400 km of paths passing through severe gorges, meadows, evergreen forests. You can also ride a bike near Lake Boldi or practice horse riding. With the advent of winter, ski and snowmobile lovers are gathering from the park. For them, built insulated huts on the paths, places for picnics. Fishing enthusiasts will not remain deprived of in Riding Mountain, for them there are many lakes with clean water, in which you can catch: pike perch, perch, and trout splashes in the fast rivers. But for fishing you need to purchase a license. In addition to all this, the park features tennis courts and a golf course.

Riding Mountain National Park Riding Mountain National Park Riding Mountain National Park Riding Mountain National Park Riding Mountain National Park Riding Mountain National Park
Riding Mountain National Park - geographical coordinates
Latitude: 50.863889
Longitude: -100.036111


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