Zambia: attractions and places of interest

Kalambo Waterfall

Kalambo is a picturesque waterfall on the river of the same name, located on the border of Tanzania and Zambia. The size of the waterfall is simply amazing, because it rises by 427 meters, and the width depends on the rainy season and ranges from 3 to 20 meters. For the first time, Europeans visite...

Kafue National Park

Kafue is Zambia's largest national park, covering an area of 22,400 km2. The park is named after the eponymous river flowing throughout the park. The park was founded in 1950, and since then the management of parks has been put on better. At its core, the park is a huge forest savannah. The relief ...

Kasanka National Park

Kasanka is one of the smallest national parks in Zambia and occupies only 390 km2. The park is notable for being managed by a private organization. The relief of Kasankee is predominantly flat, from the hills of Bvalya Bemba and Mpuluwe is worth noting. In the territory of Kasanka Park, there are 9...

South Luangwa National Park

South Luangwa - Zambian National Park, founded back in 1972 and covering an area of 9050 km2. In its area, the park is one of the largest in South Africa. The reserve for the park was given back in 1938, when a hunting reserve was founded here, which was later converted into a national park. But th...

Mosi-Oa-Tunya National Park

Mosi-Oa-Tunya is a national park in Zambia, bordering Zimbabwe and sharing Victoria's world-famous waterfall with it. The local residents themselves call the waterfall "Mosi-Oa-Tunya", which translates as a rattling smoke, hence the name of the park. The park is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The te...

Victoria Falls

Another incomparable miracle of nature, called Victoria Falls, found its place in southern Africa on the Zambezi River. This chic waterfall has enormous dimensions, the width of which is 1800 meters and the height is 120. Previously, this natural attraction was known among the local population as « ...

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