
Brief description of the country

Madagascar is an island nation in the Indian Ocean. It is the fourth largest island in the world, covering over 587,000 km2. The population is over 27 million people.

The country is rich in minerals. Oil, gas and coal are mined here. The island was discovered by the navigator Diego Dias. In society, Madagascar is called a small continent because there are several climatic zones. All-season attracts fishermen, divers and yachtsmen.

For travel to coastal resorts, it is best to come from April to December. At this time, it is warm and there is practically no precipitation. If the purpose of the visit is to visit nature reserves or get to know nature, the vacation should be planned from September to November. It rains infrequently, forest dwellers lead an active lifestyle. You can meet lemurs, mongooses, bush pigs and chameleons. You need to carefully look under your feet while walking, a lot of snakes live here.

The beaches in Madagascar are picturesque. But while diving in the water, you need to beware of sharks. The least of them are on the west coast of the island.

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