Victoria Falls

Another incomparable miracle of nature, called Victoria Falls, found its place in southern Africa on the Zambezi River. This chic waterfall has enormous dimensions, the width of which is 1800 meters and the height is 120. Previously, this natural attraction was known among the local population as « Breaking Smoke » and only in 1855, it was renamed the name we knew, David Livingston, who is a Scottish explorer.

Victoria Falls

A beautiful waterfall with the name of Queen Victoria herself – is the main attraction of this region of the world, which is protected by UNESCO. There is no such waterfall in the world, this natural picture is in a single copy. 

The sharp drop of the Zambezi River into the abyss provides life for Victoria Falls. There are many islets on its crest that distribute the water stream over several currents. The roar that creates falling water is heard even for forty kilometers. Around Victoria Falls, a dense fog has been formed, which also extends not one kilometer.

Victoria Falls

There are several gorges where the former has a depth of 80m. up to 108. The second – called the cooking boiler, where the river makes a sharp turn and forms a deep pool. Often this waterfall is called "Victoria waterfalls", and this is not easy, because it is a really complex waterfall system, which consists of the waterfall « Devil », « The main cascade », « Rainbow », « horseshoe », « East Waterfall », « Prunes ». The river path is very difficult, but bypassing all the obstacles, including the section called « boiling boiler », as well as the canyon, zigzag-shaped, overlooks the plain, where its current calms down.

Near Victoria Falls, through the gorge itself, a bridge has been built, which has the shape of an arch. Its length is about 250 meters, and the height is 125 meters from the river level. Thanks to the railway that leads to Bulawayo, tourism began to flourish in this place. Many travelers were in a hurry to see the natural attraction. Due to the influx of tourists, a tourist town has grown in the surrounding area. The number of tourists increased, then decreased, which is associated with the political situation in the country.

This ancient landmark of nature cannot be described in words, it must be seen with its own eyes. These seething water bodies of Victoria Falls, thick clouds of fogs, a multi-colored rainbow that cannot be grasped even, deserve attention and, of course, visits.

Victoria Falls Victoria Falls Victoria Falls Victoria Falls Victoria Falls Victoria Falls
Victoria Falls - geographical coordinates
Latitude: -17.924444
Longitude: 25.856667


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