Eilen Donan Castle

Eilen-Donan Castle is Scotland's most romantic castle. The name of the castle literally translates as "Donan Island". It is built on a small island, which, according to research, is artificial, it is also a crannog.

Eilen Donan Castle

In the 6th century, Christian missionary Donan came to these lands, settling on the island, he preached his faith among the pickets. Hence the name of the island. In the 13th century, the Scottish king of Alexander II built a fortress here, in 1236 Alexander III presented the castle to Colin Fitzgerald, who showed considerable courage in the battle of Largs with the Vikings of King of Norway Hokon IV. In 1362, the castle came under the control of the Mackenzie clan. In 1530, Donald Gorm MacDonald rebelled against the country's leadership and made sorties for ten years. In 1539, the Eilen-Donan castle was guarded by a small garrison of soldiers, and Donald decided to storm his walls. During the battle, the castle soldiers were almost broken by the death of their commandant, but Duncan Max, a Vassal of the Mackenzie clan, took over the defense leadership. He mortally wounded Donald MacDonald with an arrow and those storming when they saw his death retreated. After this incident, only members of the Max family were appointed commandants of the castle.

During the Jacobite uprising, the Mackenzie clan sided with the rightful heir to the throne. He was supported by the Spaniards, who sent their troops to Scotland. In the castle of Eilen-Donan, the Spaniards placed an ammunition depot and a small garrison. In 1719, it became fatal for the castle and its garrison, three English ships approached the castle and began a massive bombardment, then landed the landing that destroyed the entire garrison of Spanish soldiers. The British in the cellars of the castle discovered gunpowder and blew up the remaining buildings for them. About the castle was forgotten for two hundred years.

Eilen Donan Castle

In 1911, the ruins of Eilen-Donan Castle were bought by John McRay-Gilstrap, who restored the castle for 20 years, according to the surviving plans of the castle. Today, excursions are conducted through the castle, only 6 rooms are not available to visitors, and members of the McRay family still live in them. Excursions are held from March 1 to November 2, and the cost is 4-6 euros, depending on age.

Eilen Donan Castle Eilen Donan Castle Eilen Donan Castle Eilen Donan Castle Eilen Donan Castle Eilen Donan Castle
Eilen Donan Castle - geographical coordinates
Latitude: 57.274167
Longitude: -5.516111


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