Cardiff Castle

Cardiff Castle is located in Glamorganshire in the center of Cardiff, being the most beautiful decoration of the entire Kingdom of Great Britain. The history of this castle began more than two thousand years ago, then Roman soldiers erected the first fortifications. Two centuries later, a new fortress was built with stone walls that defended the empire from enemies. The castle itself was erected on the site of the ruins of the fortress in 1091. He was the residence of Lord Robert Fitzhamon.

Cardiff Castle

For the entire existence of Cardiff Castle, he passed from hand to hand, changing owners. The Butut family played a big role for the castle. He was received by the lord as attached to his young wife. Since 1766, – is the property of Lord Byut and his family.

During the life of the second lord, the castle became the largest exporter of coal, and the surrounding area became the largest coal port.

Cardiff Castle

The third descendant of Butte wished to give the castle a view of the Middle Ages. In 1860, the living quarters of the Gothic style were betrayed by a luxurious look with sophisticated interiors. As a result, the luxury of the castle is known throughout the world. Trying to preserve the original appearance of Cardiff, they completed a number of structures and halls. The interior was frescoes, stained glass windows, gilding and marble. Each room has its own unique style, including Italian, Arabic styles. Everywhere religious stories, astrological symbols are depicted. Several apartments are reserved for meetings and holidays. The surrounding area of the castle is divided into a beautiful garden in which South European plants grow. A beautiful view of the surrounding area of the castle can be viewed from the terrace located on the roof of the castle.

Since 1947, the castle has been transferred by another heir to the possession of the city of Cardiff. At this hour, a museum is operating on the castle, guided tours. There are also chivalrous tournaments, concerts and festivals.

Cardiff Castle – Neo-Gothic-style architectural building is a matter of pride and the main attraction of local residents of Cardiff.

Cardiff Castle Cardiff Castle Cardiff Castle Cardiff Castle Cardiff Castle Cardiff Castle
Cardiff Castle - geographical coordinates
Latitude: 51.482353
Longitude: -3.181219


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