Kiev Zoo

The Kiev Zoo is one of the largest and most beautiful zoos from the countries of the former Soviet Union. The zoo collection has nearly 400 species of animals.

Kiev Zoo

The creation of the Kiev Zoo began with the creation of a society of animal lovers, which included politicians, doctors, teachers of universities. In general, people who had the opportunity to go abroad and get acquainted with the animal world of other countries, as well as bring a couple of copies with them. They wanted to draw public attention to outlandish animals from foreign countries. Initially, the collection of animals was in the Botanical Garden named after Fomin, there was also a box for donations for animal welfare. But soon there were too many animals and I had to think about where to visit, so that they were comfortable.

In 1909, animals moved to a new place, and the street to which the zoo was moved was renamed the Zoological. Nowadays, the total area of the zoo is 34 hectares. The zoo carries not only an entertainment function, it also carries out work on acclimatization of animals, scientific research of animal life. A circle of young naturalists works in the Kiev Zoo, where children are given knowledge about animal zogeography, biology, and also provide an opportunity to look after animals.

Kiev Zoo

You can learn more about the life of birds in 2 huge aviaries for birds, in which birds can fly without problems. In total, almost 100 species of birds in the Kiev Zoo, with a total of almost 700 copies. In the "Animal Island" zone, you can get acquainted with animals from all over the world, especially here copies from South America, Indonesia, and Africa predominate. In 2003, a new zone opened on the territory of the zoo - the Bear continent. Here, among the territory drowning in greenery, bears freely feel, raccoons, badgers, and lynx live in the neighborhood.

The Kiev Zoo will be a suitable place for family vacations, where you can have fun and even feed the animals from your hand. Well, you can have a bite to eat in a cafe on the zoo.

Kiev Zoo Kiev Zoo Kiev Zoo Kiev Zoo Kiev Zoo Kiev Zoo
Kiev Zoo - geographical coordinates
Latitude: 50.454167
Longitude: 30.462778


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