Mount Rushmore

The US Black Hills mountain range, located in the southwest of the city of Kiston, which belongs to the state of South Dakota, has gained its popularity throughout the world, thanks to its unusual mountain Rushmore. This rock cannot be confused with others, because a huge bas-relief is carved on it, which depicts the figures of 4 US presidents: Washington, Jefferson, Roosevelt, Lincoln.

Mount Rushmore

The idea of creating this unusual monument occurred to American historian Don Robinson. And although his plan was not entirely embodied in reality, because the idea of the historian was to evict completely other people who belong to the development of the country, the Rushmore rock is still very popular. This mountain peak is visited annually by approximately 3 million tourists.

The talented sculptor who not only gave life to this excellent monument, but also made his own adjustments, depicting the presidents in the rock, is Borglum.

Mount Rushmore

Undoubtedly, each of the political activists represented here is worthy of this great reward. George Washington – is known as the first US president, Thomas Jefferson – is one of the creators of the state declaration of independence, Theodore Roosevelt adequately led the country when many important events took place here, as well as Abraham Lincoln, who abolished slavery.

Active work on Mount Rushmore began back in 1927, and the end date is October 31, 1941. To build this most important monument, subversive work was involved, as well as many human workers with tools that hammered granite stone. Since the work was carried out in natural conditions, it was not possible to implement all the plans conceived. Thus, the sculpture of Roosevelt turned out to be deep into the rock. During the construction there were delays and financial ones, since the construction was built in the war years. It is for these reasons that part of the planned projects remained only on paper.

This memorial on Mount Rushmore is located at an altitude of 1750 meters above sea level. Its area extends to 5 km2. By creating this cultural monument, inventors dreamed that this area would attract tourists. And we can say with confidence that their all hopes have come true, because Mount Rushmore is very popular among travelers. To an unusual cultural memo in the form of stone presidents, many tourists come together every year to see. Thanks to this monument, tourism in South Dakota – has become the main sector of the economy.

Mount Rushmore Mount Rushmore Mount Rushmore Mount Rushmore Mount Rushmore Mount Rushmore
Mount Rushmore - geographical coordinates
Latitude: 43.878944
Longitude: -103.459378


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