Burj Khalifa

Burj Khalifa Dubai – the highest skyscraper on the planet, which is simply shocking with its appearance. Its shape resembles stalagmit, looking at which, you simply cannot believe that such a building belongs to human hands. The main competitor to this facility is the giant, located in the city of Taipen, but Burj Dubai overtook it for three hundred meters. Undoubtedly, it is the most significant attraction of all Dubai.

Burj Khalifa

This skyscraper rises as much as 828 meters and seats 163 floors. This unusual house has close 9 hotels, as well as a magnificent fountain system similar to Las Vegas. The idea of giving birth to such an object belongs to the architect from America, Adrian Smith. The cost of a skyscraper is almost 4.1 billion US dollars.

Around Burj Khalifa, the whole business life of Dubai is tied, because many of its floors are occupied by offices of various firms and campaigns. There are also living quarters located from the 45th to the 108th floor. On the first 30 floors there are hotels, and here are 123 and 124, from where the magnificent view opens, dedicated to the observation deck and the chic lobby.

Burj Khalifa

Above the main building there is a tower that accommodates telecommunication technical equipment.

At the entrance to the skyscraper there is a famous fountain, the water jets of which I knock out up to 150 meters.

For the construction of Burj Dubai, specialists prepared a particularly durable brand of concrete, the technology of which is provided to fill at night, and add ice to the solution itself.

The building is equipped with 65 lifts, the price of which is about 36 million. $. But, from the very first and to the very top without obstacles, you can only get a special service elevator, but all the other visitors move between floors with transfers. The local lifts are very high-speed, they are able to reach speeds of up to 18 meters in one second.

Burj Dubai also has a very reliable fire system, thanks to which all visitors to the building can be evacuated in 32 minutes at most if necessary.

With a special turbine, which has 61 meters, as well as solar panels, the building can independently generate electricity, under the influence of the wind of the sun.

Under the Burj Dubai project, there is a special protection that warns against solar heating. It is presented in the form of glass panels, thanks to which there is a saving on the conditioning of the skyscraper. 

Tourists have the opportunity for an hour to enjoy unique views from the observation deck, which is located on the 124th floor. Tickets for visiting the observation deck, called At the Top, are sold on the first level of the building. The queue for purchasing a pass ticket is always very large, but you can buy a ticket, which gives the right without the next pass, but its cost is three times more expensive.

Burj Khalifa Burj Khalifa Burj Khalifa Burj Khalifa Burj Khalifa Burj Khalifa
Burj Khalifa - geographical coordinates
Latitude: 25.197222
Longitude: 55.274167


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