Lake Geneva

The greatest natural celebrity of Switzerland is the magnificent Lake Geneva, part of which is located in France. This lake is the most important of all located in Western Europe. Lake Geneva was formed thanks to retreating glaciers. Conditionally, it is divided into the Big, which is located in the eastern part of the country and the Small – in the west.

Lake Geneva

The very first recorded name of the lake is known as Lacus Lemanus, which has come from the time of the reign of the Romans. Now, on the French side, it is known as Lehman, and in Switzerland – Lake Geneva.

The entire most enormous amount of water in Switzerland gathered in Lake Geneva. The non-standard nature of this lake is that its outline resembles a crescent. The north side of the shore of this water body stretches 95 km., And the south – 72 km. 310 meters – is the deepest point in Lake Geneva, which was recorded in the midst of Evian and Lausanne. The width of the lake, in this place, is only 13 km.

Lake Geneva

Many travelers are in a hurry to look at the beauty of Lake Geneva. They are also attracted to the charms of its shores, which, in some places, are rocky. The banks of the northern part of the pond are decorated with vineyards of vineyards, as well as nearby local castles of the local villages.

As you know from historical sources, in 593 the tsunami wave went down the lake, which brought numerous destruction, as well as casualties in Geneva. Most likely, such a natural disaster occurred as a result of a landslide near the Rhone delta.

In 1827, the speed of sound in water was first measured in the waters of Lake Geneva. High-speed catamarans were prepared specifically for this lake to participate in races that became popular at that time. Vladimir Lenin rented a chalet near Geneva on the shores of Lake Geneva. Actor Charlene Chaplin, pop singer Phil Collins, and other noble people also loved to spend time here.

By the end of 1960, the water in Lake Geneva was so polluted that some of the local beaches were closed. And as a result, – in 1980 in contaminated lake water, fish begins to die.

To date, Lake Geneva has begun to clear. The beaches began to fill with people, and the lake with fish. Fans of outdoor activities are provided with all the conditions, because on the water you can engage in sailing, rowing, surfing, and scuba diving.

Lake Geneva Lake Geneva Lake Geneva Lake Geneva Lake Geneva Lake Geneva
Lake Geneva - geographical coordinates
Latitude: 46.45
Longitude: 6.516667


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