
In the middle of Sri Lanka, there is a rocky plateau, which is known as Syria. It is located 370 m above sea level and 170 m above the local steppe. Syria has been on the UNESCO list and has been carefully guarded since 1982.


Back in the 5th century, the eldest son of the ruler was obliged to undergo the rite of coronation, but since Cassapa's mother ( the eldest son ) was a concubine, his father decided to opt for another son - Mogallan. This fact simply lit the fire of anger in the chest of his eldest son, and he decided to lock his father in prison. Mogallan was alerted by such actions of his brother, and he decided to flee to Southern India. But his brother, afraid of evil revenge, moved the capital to an inaccessible place. It was for these purposes that the rock of Syria was chosen by the self-elected king.

Kassap, together with its architects, carefully prepared the local area and erected a wonderful city. His surroundings were the royal gardens, which filled the fountains and pools. Amazing stairs were also built here, with the elegance of which not one in the world can compare. The emblem of the whole state was the predatory lion, who was present at the local palace. To date, only paws are left from him.


According to the ruins, the entire front of the palace, which is raised from marble, was carefully lined with an expensive stone. The hefty throne of the king survived quite well. A beautiful gallery is remembered for local travelers, which is filled with frescoes, as well as the so-called « mirror wall », which is polished using a mineral. There are frescoes that have a fairly saturated color, they were covered with a special mixture, which includes egg white as well as bee honey. But, unfortunately, few frescoes were saved: with 500 pieces – only 18.

After many years of rule, Kassapa still decided to challenge his brother, who at that time had just returned from India, having a good army. The battle between the brothers ended in favor of the youngest, who, in the end, destroyed the citadel on a rock and took power into his own hands. After this fight, Mogallan restored the former capital, which was ruled by his father.

The news of the existence of the local fortress of Syria came to European residents only in 1907. The first one remembered about her in his works was John Steele, who described the gallery of previously unknown sizes. He meant an amazing mirror room, which houses many frescoes with bare dancers, because such a motive is the most beloved in Sigirium paintings.

Every year, many tourists rush to visit this place in Sri Lanka.

Sigiriya Sigiriya Sigiriya Sigiriya Sigiriya Sigiriya
Sigiriya - geographical coordinates
Latitude: 7.956944
Longitude: 80.759722


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