Grand Maket Russia

Grand Maket Russia is a miniature museum in St. Petersburg, depicting a collective image of Russian regions. Layout area 800 m2, and the elements are made on a scale of 1 to 87. This layout is the largest in Russia and the second in the world after the Miniature Wonderland in Hamburg.

Grand Maket Russia

This wonderful museum was opened in June 2012, and a lot of effort had to be made to create it. It took five years to build the layout, during which they set up a load-bearing frame, created the outline of the landscape and laid the highways and railways. In total, about a hundred people worked on the layout, and it took designers at least a month of work to complete one square meter.

Grand Layout Russia shows scenes from the daily life of the country, and sometimes with a bit of humor. Looking at the layout, you can see how people work and rest in the country, play sports, work, study, and perform military service. You can see unusual stories, such as the capture of escaped prisoners, the repair of the old Moskvich". In addition to Moskvich, you can see other cars, as well as trucks, buses, trams, construction and military equipment. The model of movement is unique, the cars stop at traffic lights, blink headlights, overtake each other. Visitors can start the movement of the technique if they wish, just click on the interactive buttons for this.

Grand Maket Russia

Well, the railway deserves the greatest attention, the movement of which is close to reality. In total, the length of the road is more than 2.5 kilometers, along the entire length of which 452 arrows are installed to translate the tracks. The total number of locomotives and wagons is approaching 3000, including 10 special trains, 250 locomotives. Revolving exchangers allow you to diversify the movement of trains, because up to 60 rolling stock can be stored in them.

The museum also uses dynamic lighting, a day replaces night within 13 minutes. This process provides half a million LEDs that evenly illuminate the entire space. For ease of viewing, you can use binoculars or audio guides in 3 languages.

Grand Maket Russia Grand Maket Russia Grand Maket Russia Grand Maket Russia Grand Maket Russia Grand Maket Russia
Grand Maket Russia - geographical coordinates
Latitude: 59.8881
Longitude: 30.3307


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