Capova cave

Kapova cave - a cave in Bashkortostan, famous for the drawings inflicted by primitive people during the Paleolithic. The cave is located on the area of the Shulgan-Tash reserve.

Capova cave

There are several versions of the appearance of the name of the cave. According to one of them, which is confirmed by archaeologists and legends, the cave was used as a "capit" ( temple ). According to another version, the name was given because of the sound of dripping water ( drip ). Local nations also call the cave Shulgan-Tash. The cave is located near the Shulgan River, and the "tash" from the Bashkir language translates as stone. The Shulgan River flows into the White River and its name "shu-ulgan" comes from the already unused dilekt of the Bashkir and translates as "water died". From here the name of the cave translates as "the water died in stone". In addition, the Bashkir legend "Ural-batyr" has a hero named Shulgan.

The total length of the branches of the Cap cave is 3 km. The branches of the cave form 3 floors, the Podzemny Shulgan river flows on the lower, which flowed its way in limestone, forming a cave. The height difference between the lower and upper levels is 165 meters. Near the Cap Cave, lies the Shulgan Canyon, which ends with a dry dumpling with karst funnels and small lakes. Nearby you can also see the "Mamont Grotto", its name appeared due to the shadow at sunset. The mouth casts a shadow similar to the mammoth.

Capova cave

The paintings on its mills, discovered in 1959 by zoologist Ryumin A., brought great fame to the Cap cave. AT. At the moment, 173 drawings made by ocher and much less by coal have been found and recorded. The age of the drawings is approximately 18 thousand years. In the drawings you can distinguish the figures of mammoths, horses, various animals. In the upper and middle levels of the cave are drawings of huts, lines, triangles. The oldest drawings are located at the upper level, according to analyzes, their age is approximately 36,500 years. After the drawings opened, a lot of tourists poured here, who often left their autographs on top of the drawings and broke stalactites with stalagmites. For this reason, the cave had to put bars at the entrance. Under the influence of external conditions, the drawings turn pale and can be lost. Nowadays, Kapova Cave is a protected area, and you can only get there from guides, paying for the entrance.

Capova cave Capova cave Capova cave Capova cave Capova cave Capova cave
Capova cave - geographical coordinates
Latitude: 53.044444
Longitude: 57.063889


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