Charles bridge

Charles Bridge is the most important historical attraction of the Czech capital and the hallmark of Prague. A bridge 520 meters long and 9.5 meters wide connects the two sides of the city through the Vltava River. This bridge was named after Charles IV, by order of which it was erected. The king laid the first stone with his own hands in 1357. The construction of the bridge lasted more than fifty years.

Charles bridge

The basis of the reliability and support of the bridge is 16 arches located below the bottom, and the main building material is sandstone.

The Charles bridge is decorated with thirty baroque sculptures, towers have been built on both sides. The Old Town Tower is considered the most beautiful building in the Middle Ages, located on the western side of the Charles Bridge. Here, for more than ten years in the seventeenth century, the severed heads of the leaders of the uprising sagged. On the other hand are the Malostranskaya and Juditina towers, interconnected by gates.

Charles bridge

Against the background of Prague landscapes, you can consider all the sculptures located on the bridge, since it received the status of an open-air museum. The architecture of the buildings forms the connection of the Gothic style with the artistic style. The statues depict various saints and their intercessors, the most famous of which are St. Lutgard, St. Crucifixes and St. Yana Nepomutsky. Each of the sculptures is shrouded in its legend and history, closely related to the history of the city and country. Due to the preservation of sculptures from destruction, all the originals replaced with copies and exhibited them at the National Museum.

To date, Charles Bridge has been open only for walking. Young couples love to date him, and kisses on him mean that they will not part.

Charles Bridge is the center of the universe and has positive energy. It is believed that if you make a wish on this bridge, it will certainly come true. To do this, hold onto the cross of Jan Nepomutsky, and then throw a coin over his shoulder. You must not forget to throw a coin in the river and in order to definitely return.

In the afternoon – it is a crowded place of walks and meetings, which is admired by artists, musicians, sellers of souvenirs, here they fight for the attention of numerous tourists walking along the bridge.

To avoid crowding tourists, it is recommended to visit Charles Bridge late in the evening or early in the morning. At this time, this place takes on a mystical image of the Middle Ages.

Charles bridge Charles bridge Charles bridge Charles bridge Charles bridge Charles bridge
Charles bridge - geographical coordinates
Latitude: 50.086389
Longitude: 14.411944


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