
The fjord – such a name has a bay of the sea that fits into the land and has rocky shores. It is in Norway that there are a large number of fjords, among which is Sognefjord. This vast Norwegian fjord is the largest in this country and the second in the world. The firefjord is 204 km long, but its depth reaches 1308 meter level. In Norway, it is also known as the « King of Fjords », which is located near Sogn-og-Furan.


The firefjord is also famous for its sleeves, the most famous of which is Neruifjord, about 17 km long. Around the fjord there are steep mountains, but if you go further to the places you have, then beautiful views of the waterfalls, as well as local cultural monuments, open in the eye.

The birth of the Signe Fjord originates back in the era of the Pleiocene, about 2.5 million years ago. This process was influenced by erosion, which was caused by the destruction of local glaciers.


The powerful False Fjord is located in the midst of the most interesting fjords of this northern country. Various tourist routes lead to this wonderful place. A walk along the most important attractions of this unusual territory can be done by local train, called Floomsban, which is intended for sightseeing trips. The railway that is located here is the most spectacular railway route in all of Europe, which leads steep slopes. She is considered just a miracle of engineering. Here you can endlessly enjoy the endless landscapes of nature, as well as the fertile gardens.

Near the Sogne Fjord there is a city called Voss, which is the center of extreme tourism. Here, extreme lovers, are given a great opportunity to overcome the rocks, fly on a hydroplane or hang glider, and also enroll in a group of multi-day trips that are carried out regularly.

Near the fjord of Sogne-fjord is the largest glacier of Yustedalsbreen, which occupies 487 km2. A national park has been created in its circle, which is under the protection of the state.

In the Firefjord, there are all conditions for a wonderful outdoor activity. This panorama of the fjord, which goes far to the sea, will not leave indifferent a single tourist. The beautiful places here are filled with rivers and lakes, green meadows and waterfalls, huge rocks and plains. Travelers are happy to stroll along a mountain road called Aurlandswegen, and also climb onto the Stegastain observation deck, from where all the mysms of the area open.

Sognefjord Sognefjord Sognefjord Sognefjord Sognefjord Sognefjord
Sognefjord - geographical coordinates
Latitude: 61.1
Longitude: 5.166667


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