Urnes Stave Church

The ancient wooden church in Urnes, which is located on the Sogne Fjord in Norway – is a unique structure that belongs to the UNESCO World Heritage List. Such an honor appeared to this temple building because it is the oldest stalker in the whole world.

Urnes Stave Church

The version of the church that reached our time was erected back in 1150. But this building was already the third, although it was in the same place. A hundred years have passed between the first and last buildings. The builders who were directly involved in the construction of this wooden masterpiece were well versed in architecture and were excellent carpenters. After all, all the work was done efficiently, but most importantly not with the usual stone, but with wood. The stavk in Urnes is designed so that its side pads are dug vertically directly into the ground, and the roof is supported by large pillars. This building is considered very durable, although it suffers from dampness. Under the frame of the church, holes were found where the pillars of the previous temple were located.

Wooden stalk in Urnes is the oldest in the world, technologists claim that it is an absolute framework that is separated from wet land by a stone base.

Urnes Stave Church

In past centuries, more than 1,000 churches have been built on lands, both Norway and throughout Europe, but so far only about 30 have been saved.

Initially, this wooden church in Urnes belonged to a local influential family.

The main distinguishing feature of the church in Urnes from other similar structures is the port, as well as the remnants of the building that was present at the same place more than a thousand years ago. And no one knows what was the reason for the destruction of the previous structure and why, building the next temple, they used the remnants of the past. Thus, the northern wall of the church is embellished by elements of decor, which were previously located on the primary building here. A distinctive feature of the implementation of this church – is carved panels that adhere to the styles of « Russian », as well as « animal ». These ornaments carry a different image of animals and gods.

On the very altar, there is a candlestick in the shape of a Viking ship, which has been here for at least 800 years. It belongs to the most magnificent symbols of all of Norway.

Photos and various materials related to staging can be considered in the museum, which is located near this church.

Urnes Stave Church Urnes Stave Church Urnes Stave Church Urnes Stave Church Urnes Stave Church Urnes Stave Church
Urnes Stave Church - geographical coordinates
Latitude: 61.298056
Longitude: 7.3225


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