Tongariro National Park

Tongariro National Park is located in the center of the mountainous North Island of New Zealand – « Volcano Islands », – 330 km. south of. Auckland and 320 km. north of. Wellington. In 1887, the supreme leader of the Maori clan Ngati Khoronuku gave the British three "baptized mountains" and the lands around them on the condition of creating a reserve there, the territory of the park has expanded and now is 795 km2.

Tongariro National Park

In 1993, Tongariro became the first cultural landscape site to be included in the World Heritage List according to the new revised criteria. The mountains in the park are of cultural and religious significance for the Maori people and symbolize the spiritual ties between this community and the nature of the island. Active and extinct volcanoes are present in the park, it is characterized by a wide range of ecosystems.

On the territory of the Tongariro National Park there are three active volcanoes – Tongariro ( 1968 m. ), Ruapehu ( 2797 m. ) and Ngauruhoe ( 2291 m. ). These mountains are sacred to the Māori, since the grave of the legendary leader Te Heuheu Herakiki is located near the mountains, and a taboo is superimposed on the volcanoes. The mountains of Tongariro and Ngauruhoe are located next to each other, between them there is a volcanic plateau with craters and small lakes ( "Blue Lake" and "Emerald Lake" ). Ruapehu, on the slopes of which is one of the best ski resorts in New Zealand, was last erupt recently - in 1996. In the famous trilogy « Lord of the Rings » Mount Ngauruhoe was the ominous Rock Mountain - Orodruin, and the entire landscape from the frozen lava was perfect for the filming of Mordor, the kingdom of Sauron.

Tongariro National Park

The volcano Ruapehu is the highest mountain of the North Island ( 2797 m ). Translated into Russian, its name means "burden abyss". In its crater is a hot lake that disappears during the revival of the volcano. The water in it is warm, and the shores are covered with ice and snow. In winter, when skiers come to Ruapeh, there are daredevils who dare to swim in warm water. But the administration of the reserve prudently reminds tourists that the water in the lake can suddenly boil. From time to time, the volcano shows its obstinate character. So, in March 1945, an island appeared on the lake, and four months later a huge dome of black lava formed in its place. Powerful explosions occurred. By December, the eruption ceased, after which the crater remained with a diameter of more than 300 m, and it gradually began to fill with water. This eruption reminded itself of a grandiose catastrophe that occurred eight years later. During the volcanic eruption, runoff was poured through which an excess of water in the lake was usually poured out. Warm water, accumulated in the lake, washed part of the coast, and the stream poured down the slopes of the volcano. On this day, December 23, 1953, a fast train was in a hurry for Christmas on the Wellington - Auckland route. But when the train drove along the bridge over the Wuhangaehu River, it crashed into a wall of water, ice and dirt. The water stream demolished the bridge, and the entire train collapsed into the river. Killed 154 people.

The local Māori people have a legend. In ancient times, the Taupo, in the very middle of the Maui Fish, lived Mountains. They lived in friendship and harmony. Together they worked, feasted together, had fun together. But then they began to quarrel. Those that are younger could not stand it and left: some to the south, others to the north. Only Tongariro, Ruapehu, Ngauruhoe and Taranaki remained. Tongariro took Pihang, a beautiful little Mountain who lived nearby, as his wife. Their children were Snow, Hail, Rain and Weather. Pihang loved gray-headed Tongariro and was faithful to him. She did not want to listen to Taranaki, who harassed her love. But Taranaki persisted. Then the angry Tongariro rushed at him. Taranaki fled. In one night he reached the very edge of the earth. He still stands there. Taranaki is no longer afraid of the anger of Tongariro, but sometimes closes his brow of fog to hide tears: he yearns for Phihang. And when Tongariro recalls the insolence of Taranaki, the flame of anger boils in his chest, and a heavy cloud of black smoke rises above its peak.

The main component of the unique beauty of the valley of the three volcanoes – is the unique and rich flora and fauna left intact. In the north and west of the park, extensive pine forests grow. There you can find amazing trees of kahikatea, kamahi, pachautea and numerous ferns, orchids and mushrooms. A beech forest spread on the southern slopes of Raupehu. And next to it, on gravel and stone formations, colorful mosses and lichens grow in abundance.

The park has many interesting birds, including red-headed parrots, falcons, blue duck, white-eyed, honey pumps, carnivorous and fan-tailed pigeons, plant-fruit green nestor. In Tongariro, the northern kiwi lives - a night bird, a relative of an ostrich, the size of a chicken, without wings and a tail, with a long beak. Kiwi is a symbol of New Zealand. In these parts there are also moose, wild pigs, rabbits and hares. The deer brought by the Europeans live. These deer do great harm to forests, so they are not protected. Moreover, hunting them is encouraged. Even special groups of hunters involved in the shooting of animals are created.

The development of the park was carried out by the British very carefully, but at the same time, they did not forget about tourists. Road construction in the village of Uakapapa began in the 1920s. The first ski hut was built in 1923 on a hill of 1770 m., After that a road was built, and in 1938 a ski lift was equipped. Such an early construction of tourism infrastructure explains the presence of a fully developed ski tourism sector within the national park. Hotel Chateau Tongariro in Wakapapa was founded in 1929.

In addition to skiing and snowboarding in winter, summer, hiking and climbing are arranged for tourists in the park. There is also the possibility of sports fishing, riding a mountain bike, horseback riding, rafting. Tongariro is one of the most popular tourist destinations in the country, more than 80 thousand tourists visit it during the year, and 5 thousand people or more can be here during the ski season.

Tongariro National Park Tongariro National Park Tongariro National Park Tongariro National Park Tongariro National Park Tongariro National Park
Tongariro National Park - geographical coordinates
Latitude: -39.205556
Longitude: 175.598056


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