Terrace Unkai

In the Japanese resort of Tomamu, which is located on the island of Hokkaido, you can see a stunning natural phenomenon called the Unkai. Unkai is being translated from Japanese as a sea of clouds. All this thanks to the thermal springs of the valley, which form a huge fog overnight.

Terrace Unkai

A terrace called Unkai was built at the most picturesque point, but until 2005 it was rather problematic to get here because the terrace is at 1088 meter height. Only after the construction of the cable car did the place become very popular among the population and guests of the hotel located nearby. You can get to the terrace from 4-30 to 7-00 in the morning, after the cable car stops working, and the fog dissipates. Access to the sights is open from mid-May to October, it is at this time that you can see the "sea of clouds", and even then not every day. The phenomenon can only be seen in suitable weather conditions, which occurs with a probability of about 40%. In any case, at the box office of the cable car they give tourists a postcard of how the mountains should look in the fog, it is also a ticket.

Lucky ones can admire the fog floating in the mountains, covering the picturesque landscapes of the Hidaka and Tokati mountains with white veil. There is a cafe on the Unkai terrace, so you can admire the natural phenomenon on a cold morning with a cup of hot coffee.

Terrace Unkai

A trip on a cable car will cost $ 20, but even this does not stop the flow of tourists. In total, over 100,000 people visited the terrace for the entire duration of its existence, and in a day the number of guests sometimes reaches 2,000. After morning contemplation of fog, you can go to free yoga lessons or just breathe fresh mountain air.

Terrace Unkai Terrace Unkai Terrace Unkai Terrace Unkai Terrace Unkai Terrace Unkai
Terrace Unkai - geographical coordinates
Latitude: 43.077102
Longitude: 142.599342


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