Tateyama Kurobe

The Tateyama Kurobe – road is not just the road that connects the Japanese cities of Omaha and Toyama, but is a significant attraction of the whole country. Travelers who set off on this route will certainly receive a portion of adrenaline and exciting impressions.

Tateyama Kurobe

The Tateyama Kurobe road stretches along the northern part of Japan and is an unusually beautiful trail surrounded by tremendous snow walls. Just an indescribable picture is drawn by nature, which looks especially majestic in winter.

This road is known not only in Japan itself, but far beyond the borders of the country. It is considered the most beautiful road in the whole world. The local track, which serves as a combination of two significant cities, was built in such a way that in no case would harm the natural beauty. The road was completed in 1971. Not a small part of it goes through tunnels.

Tateyama Kurobe

Now this route is completely owned by tourist groups. Tourists are presented at the show of another Quarobe dam, which has a very attractive look. Travelers can visit the Tateyama road using more than one mode of transport. Trolleybuses and buses with sightseeing groups regularly go here, you can also get on a special cable car, which is intended for this.

Tourists who visited the Tateyama Kurobe road, of course, remain impressed by the snow peaks, but most of all, the huge twenty-meter white corridor settles in memory, which looks especially majestic in the winter. It is just a unique sight that makes you excite blood.

The tourist route lasts as long as 32 kilometers. Unpainted landscapes open to the eyes of travelers, which are filled with steep peaks, various slopes, as well as cliffs. Local tourists are given the opportunity to visit the largest Japanese waterfall Hannoki, which reaches 497 meters.

It is considered the duty of every Japanese resident to visit the sacred mountain of Tateyama at least once in his entire life. The Japanese are very careful about the environment, so you can’t move around on your transport, but a special one is provided with an electric motor that is safe for the environment.

The tourist road of Tateyama Kurobe annually brings close 3.5 million tourists. Those who wish to stay in this natural beauty for several days are provided with wonderful hotels near the track.

Tateyama Kurobe Tateyama Kurobe Tateyama Kurobe Tateyama Kurobe Tateyama Kurobe Tateyama Kurobe
Tateyama Kurobe - geographical coordinates
Latitude: -22.793889
Longitude: -67.812222


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