Inuyama Castle

Inuyama Castle is a Japanese castle located in Inuyama City, Aichi Prefecture, on the island of Honshu. The castle was built in 1537 and is one of the oldest surviving castles in Japan.

Inuyama Castle

History of the castle

Historians believe that the monumental building was founded here in the 15th century, such conclusions make Inuyama Castle one of the oldest in Japan. During the restoration, special studies were carried out which suggest that its lower part is much older than the upper superstructure.

The first owners of Inuyama Castle belonged to the noble Nobuyasu family, they could afford to invest heavily in the construction. Initially, the construction included a basement of two levels and 4 floors of the superstructure. The upper floors were the quarters for the gentlemen, the first and second floors were at the disposal of numerous guards, their weapons and uniforms were immediately stored.

Inuyama Castle

At the beginning of the 15th century, castles were built based on the characteristics of the landscape, which is why Inuyama is located on the hill of the same name. Its name is translated as "dog mountain", later the hill under the castle was called "abode of the white emperor".

Inuyama Castle has been involved in hostilities many times, after which it was betrayed by another vassal. Thanks to this, the building was saved while many other castles were demolished. Over time, Inuyama Castle was transferred to the local prefecture. Time passed, at the end of the 19th century there was a strong earthquake during which the building was badly damaged, after which it was transferred to the Naruse clan for reconstruction and restoration. Today, Inuyama Castle is considered a national monument of Japan, along with other bastions and fortresses that have survived to this day.

Legends of Inuyama Castle

Not far from the ancient castle, under a large canopy, there is an old tree. Leaves have not grown on its branches for a long time, it has dried up and charred, but it stands here. They say that once a very long time ago, more than 400 years ago, there was a strong thunderstorm and lightning removed it into a tree, engulfing it in fire. It is believed that this is how the tree saved the fortress from the fire. Many believe that spirits live in the trunk, they guard the castle. To appease the spirits, they bring alms in the form of small treats.

Another legend promises to heal a broken heart. To do this, you need to pray in the sanctuary, which is located in the courtyard of the fortress. Mental torment must be written on a special tablet and left in the sanctuary.

A visit to Inuyama leaves the most favorable impressions. The castle has been perfectly restored and fully corresponds to the peculiarities of its time. From its observation decks, you can admire the picturesque surroundings, which, depending on the time of year, delight the eye either with cherry blossoms or with a riot of colors of autumn maples.

Inuyama Castle Inuyama Castle Inuyama Castle Inuyama Castle Inuyama Castle Inuyama Castle
Inuyama Castle - geographical coordinates
Latitude: 35.388322
Longitude: 136.939261


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