Triumphal Arch of Constantine

The Triumphal Arch of Constantine is located in Rome. It is located near the most visited attraction in Italy - the Colosseum. The Arch of Constantine is considered the most beautiful of all existing in the country, so it was included in the main group of architectural monuments of Rome. This amazing structure is located in an open area, so anyone can see it, absolutely free.

Triumphal Arch of Constantine

Description of the Triumphal Arch of Constantine

This is a three-span stone arch. The largest span of the arch is the central part of the structure, and the two side ones are slightly smaller. When he sees the arch, Constantine is surprised not only by the beauty of the structure, but also by its impressive size. After all, the height of the arch is 21 meters, and the width is slightly more than 25 meters, while its depth exceeds 7 meters. These are quite large sizes, especially when compared with the sizes of other arches.

Marble and stone blocks were used in the manufacture of the main part of the structure. This is the last of the perfectly preserved Roman arches. In addition, it is the most visited by tourists coming to Rome.

Triumphal Arch of Constantine


The triumphal arch of Constantine was created in 315 AD. e. It was built during the great victory during the Civil War. Therefore, it is an important treasure dedicated to the victory of the great Constantine during the Battle of the Milvian Bridge in 312 AD. e.

During the construction of the Arc de Triomphe of Constantine, various decorative elements were used that were removed from other monuments. These were trophies. During the construction of arches, they were considered to be columns and stones, which during antiquity and the Middle Ages were removed from ancient structures. Often, they were pagan temples, and then they were used during the construction of new structures, and mainly these were Christian temples.

Features of the attraction

The Triumphal Arch of Constantine was no exception, so most of the elements decorating it were previously used for other buildings. For example, it includes marble statues, which are its main value and are the earliest statues of the Forum of Trojan. The smaller bays are decorated with medallions depicting hunts from Adriano's period, which date back to the second century.

Later, other arches with a three-span design appeared in Rome, but they were all created following the example of the Triumphal Arch of Constantine. Despite the genius of the design, over the years the condition and appearance of the arch deteriorated. Therefore, in 1832, the government of Rome allocated funds for the reconstruction of the landmark, thanks to which today the Arch of Constantine has a magnificent view and is one of the main historical treasures of Rome.

Triumphal Arch of Constantine Triumphal Arch of Constantine Triumphal Arch of Constantine Triumphal Arch of Constantine Triumphal Arch of Constantine Triumphal Arch of Constantine
Triumphal Arch of Constantine - geographical coordinates
Latitude: 41.889722
Longitude: 12.490833


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