Siena Cathedral

Siena Cathedral is located in the tourist center of Italy in the city of Siena and is an excellent architectural creation in the style of Italian Gothic. It was built in the form of a Latin cross in honor of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. On the octagonal foundation of the building, with the help of columns, a bell tower was erected along with the dome. The architectural structure is considered the oldest in all of Europe.

Siena Cathedral

The construction of the Siena Cathedral began in the 13th century, but in a number of circumstances it was completed in a century. The temple, standing in an open area, dominates the buildings surrounding it.

Siena Cathedral gained popularity because of its unique facade. Each side of the building has non-repeating facades, the most impressive of them is the western facade. Three colors – white, black and red were used in the work on the facade. The main decoration was many sculptures and bas-reliefs depicting both people and animals. Accompanied by each figure was an inscription. Some of them have survived to this day. Here you can consider historical events and Bible stories. Together, they were an unusually beautiful composition.

Siena Cathedral

Some of them have not survived to this day. But after restoration work, when exact copies were replaced by originals, the facade acquired its original appearance.

The breathtaking sight belongs to the interior, where the entire surface of the Siena Cathedral is decorated with sculptural decorations. Two colors – black and white predominate here. These colors are associated with the suit of the horses on which the creators of the city of Siena arrived.

The floor of the building is made of mosaics, where a picture emerges, consisting of black lines on a white background, and is 56 scenes from the Bible. To avoid damage, this work of art is stored in a form closed to visitors, completely opening its eyes only for a couple of days a year. The rest of the time, the floor is covered with boards, leaving only one of the plots in the eye. Every month they change it.

On the left side of the cathedral is a library decorated with frescoes of bright colors.

Most of the valuable creations of famous artists adorn the buildings of the museum, which is located within the walls of the cathedral.

Siena Cathedral is the masterpiece of the collective creation of many famous masters and the proud attraction of Siena.

Siena Cathedral Siena Cathedral Siena Cathedral Siena Cathedral Siena Cathedral Siena Cathedral
Siena Cathedral - geographical coordinates
Latitude: 43.318
Longitude: 11.329


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