Volcano Bromo

Volcano Bromo is one of the brightest attractions of East Java, many people climb 2329 meters annually to enjoy sunrise. Bromo — a real active volcano, scientists constantly monitor its activity.

Volcano Bromo

National Park

The Bromo volcano is part of Indonesia's national park, the park includes three volcanoes: Bromo, Tenger, Semeru. There are many rivers, lakes and waterfalls in the park. A huge number of diverse plants grow, which differ, including from the height at which they are located. Various species of living creatures live here, especially many rare birds. In the park there are also caves, temples, small villages and rice fields that the local population cultivates.

Traditionally, tourists rise to the top of Bromo, as it is more accessible from all three, and observe the sand and ash crater of the volcano, it is also called the "sea of sand". More physically trained and courageous travelers can climb the Semeru volcano, the highest point of Java at 3676 meters. The path takes about three days. The volcano is considered active, it throws steam, ashes. In 2020, a volcanic lava eruption occurred. In 2021, 13 people died from the eruption of Semer, and more than 100 received burns.

Volcano Bromo

Temple of Pura Luhur Poten

Near the volcano Bromo is the Hindu temple of Pura Luhur Poten, despite the fact that most of the inhabitants of Indonesia profess Islam, adherents of other religions are present in some territories, such as here. The local temple is relatively modestly decorated and furnished. However, annually it becomes the center of the holiday - the sacrifice of the Qasad Yadna.

Every year, on the same day, local residents gather at the temple in order to appease the ancient spirits living in the depths of the volcano. According to legend, the king and queen once lived here, but they had no children. They went up to Bromo volcano and began to ask spirits to help them. Spirits heard their prayer and agreed, but in return the spouses had to sacrifice the youngest of the children to them. The king and queen had 20 heirs before they sacrificed the youngest. In memory of this, local residents still crush the spirits of the volcano. They bring fruits, vegetables and livestock and dump it all in the vents.

Despite the activity of the Bromo volcano, the flow of tourists to it is endless. It is very interesting for people to look at a real volcano, touch it. At the foot and on the mountain itself are amazing views, something like alien ones. And for local residents, tourists — way to make money, here they offer horse help in climbing to the top or just guide services.

Volcano Bromo Volcano Bromo Volcano Bromo Volcano Bromo Volcano Bromo Volcano Bromo

Nearby attractions

Volcano Bromo - geographical coordinates
Latitude: -7.9417
Longitude: 112.95


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