Iceland Golden Ring

Iceland's Golden Circle is a popular tourist destination in the south of the country. There are many different routes in Iceland. Each of them is designed in such a way that it is comfortable for a person. Of course, the road will not be paved with paving stones and fenced on both sides. The routes are different, some are extremely easy to pass, and there are also those that are recommended only for experienced travelers. The gold ring occupies a special place among them

Iceland Golden Ring

Route features

Most of Iceland is occupied by national parks and various natural attractions. Many of them are located in the south of Iceland. In the same region, on a small island, the Golden Circle of Iceland takes place.

If you don’t stop very often and don’t get distracted by the local beauty (which is quite difficult), then the route can be covered in 8-10 hours. However, from the words of those who have already walked the Golden Circle of Iceland back and forth, and several times, you will hear that there is no need to rush in this matter.

Iceland Golden Ring

Description of the Golden Circle of Iceland

The route starts in Reykjavik. If you start moving clockwise, the first thing you will see on the way is Thingvellir National Park and Lake Thingvallavatn. Yes, it’s not easy to pronounce these names. But enjoying their views is a pleasure.

The next thing you will encounter on this path will be the valley of geysers Høykadalur. Everyone knows that the Geyser is dormant now and it comes out of its hibernation whenever it wishes. Next door to it is Strokkur. He shoots at 25-35 meters every few minutes. Don't forget to take a detour to the village of Hveragerdi, which will be waiting for you soon on your way to Iceland's Golden Circle. The inventive people of Iceland managed to create tropical gardens using the heat of volcanoes. There is also the Nesjavellir geothermal power plant and healing hot springs in the village of Laugarvatn.

The Gullfos waterfall has also joined the unforgettable wonders of Iceland. From Icelandic it is translated as “golden”. The waterfall looks like this: two cascades 11 and 21 meters high are located perpendicular to each other. Another attraction of the Golden Circle of Iceland is Lake Kerid. It appeared after various volcanic processes; the depth of the lake is 55 meters.

Iceland Golden Ring Iceland Golden Ring Iceland Golden Ring Iceland Golden Ring Iceland Golden Ring Iceland Golden Ring
Iceland Golden Ring - geographical coordinates
Latitude: 64.314195
Longitude: -20.300932


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