Memento Park

Memento Park in Budapest was created as a historical center reminding residents of the city and its guests about the communist system that ruled the country. Now Hungary is a democratic state, although traces of the past do not forget about themselves.

Memento Park

Nowadays, Memento Park is an excellent historical museum where architectural creations in the fresh air are presented in the form of exhibits among the wonderful nature of the square. The atmosphere of Memento Park is completely permeated with the spirit of communist time.

The famous architect Akos Eleda was engaged in the development of projects of this attraction in Hungary. The park was opened to the public in 1993, when another wave of withdrawal of Soviet military equipment from the country took place.

Memento Park

Walking in the paths of the Memento Park in Budapest, numerical historical monumental structures open in the eye, among which are, of course, statues of leaders: V. Lenin, K. Marx, F. Engels. There are also figures from many other Hungarian leaders and famous people of this time.

In the Memento Park, forty monuments were erected that were sent to this territory in 1989, when the state experienced a drop in Soviet power. Among the many erected cultural monuments, the first places rightfully belong to wonderful creations called « The boots of Stalin », Monument to the Republic, Monument to the martyrs, as well as the Memorial to the labor movement. The spirit of communism in the park is very well raised by such compositions as the Soviet telephone box, the old player, as well as the car « Trabant ».

A cinema was also opened for guests of Memento Park in 2007. In this area there is an exhibition hall where various events are constantly held, associated with photo exhibitions. Here you can see famous documentary films that carry the history of communist time, as well as its leaders.

In shops located on the park, you can buy something in memory of the communist regime. Here is a variety of souvenirs, among which are: a Soviet passport, Leninist badges, posters with various slogans of that time.

Memento Park, which belongs to Bucharest, is not located in the urban area. You can reach it by hiring a taxi or using public transport services. You will need to pay for entering the park, but there are discounts for children and pensioners.

Memento Park Memento Park Memento Park Memento Park Memento Park Memento Park
Memento Park - geographical coordinates
Latitude: 47.4261
Longitude: 18.9995


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