
Parnitha is the national park in Greece, located on the ridge in the north of Athens, the highest in Attica, 1413 meters high. Most of the ridge is covered with dense forests and since 1961 has the status of a national park.


The territory of Parnita Park is occupied by goose forests with a total area of 300 km2, in which 818 species of plants are registered, which is 15% of the total flora of Greece. The park is allowed to hunt animals and collect mushrooms. The park has all the conditions for a comfortable stay: many paths, springs, small waterfalls, chapels.

The Pana Cave on Parnite Mountain is very famous, named after God, whose sanctuary is the cave. On the other side of the mountain will be located the ancient watch fortress of Fili. There are traditions that the name of the mountain came from the Greek goat god Pan, who was pacing the mountain to play the pipe and dance in the forest. The mountain was first inhabited in the Miken period. The mountain played a very important defense role for local residents. And in the days of Ancient Greece, the mountain was generally considered unshakable.


The mountain has a Mont Parnes hotel and a casino. You can climb the mountain with the help of a phanicular, or take the city transport.

Park Parnita Park Parnita Park Parnita Park Parnita Park Parnita Park Parnita
Parnitha - geographical coordinates
Latitude: 38.175
Longitude: 23.6786111


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