
Nuuksio National Park is located just 30 kilometers from Helsinki and is a favorite vacation spot for citizens who prefer an active lifestyle. Over 170,000 people visit the park annually.


Nuuksio National Park was founded in 1994 on an area of 53 km2. In the park you can see various terrain: dense forests, swamps, slopes of mountains, numerous lakes that appeared here during the ice age. These places unsuitable for agriculture have become a refuge for wild animals: bears, trotters, deer, and berries with mushrooms grow in large numbers in the forests themselves. Rare goat and forest larks, which are currently on the verge of extinction, are hiding in the mountains among pine trees. There are many rare animals in Nuuksio, among them a flying squirrel that disappeared in the rest of Europe. In the park, she feels comfortable, and is also a symbol of the national park.

To rent equipment, eat in a restaurant, buy souvenirs, get the necessary information about the park, including in Russian, can be obtained on a visit to the Haltia center near the park. From the center all the routes of the park begin: foot, horse, ski. The Gnome trail is one of the shortest, its length is only 2 km. Ring trail and makes it easy to move with a stroller. Another route of the same length is called "Dawn", during which visitors will have stunning views of the lakes with their peat islands, pine forests. Fans of outdoor activities should go along the route "Hastreb" or "Haukkalampi-Haltia". Trails pass along steep slopes and are not suitable for every traveler.


If you wish, in the Nuuksio National Park you can swim on a kayak or catch fish in the lake for fishing, which is very much. In running water and streams, fishing is prohibited. For horse riding enthusiasts, 22 kilometers of routes are laid, and for cyclists 30 km. Well, when snow falls on some paths, they lay a ski track.

On the paths, as a rule, special recreation areas with summer kitchens, a dry closet and dry firewood are equipped. It is forbidden to break trees for firewood, and firewood is always in abundance at the bonfires. You can’t litter in the park, so all the garbage must be thrown into a special container, or burned.

Nuuksio Nuuksio Nuuksio Nuuksio Nuuksio Nuuksio
Nuuksio - geographical coordinates
Latitude: 60.3075
Longitude: 24.499167


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