Valley of the Queens

The queen's valley is located on the west bank of the Nile, just a kilometer and a half from « Valley of the Kings ». This area of ancient burials is known as the « valley of the children of the pharaoh », and today has another name - Biban al-Harim. Here were buried wives, children of Pharaoh, as well as priests and a nobleman. All of them belong to the 18th, 19th or 20th dynasty. The difference from the times of the Ancient Kingdom is the fact that the Finnish rulers did not build the pyramids. This tsarist necropolis and children has approximately 79 tombs.

Valley of the Queens

The laughter of the burial place was as follows: a long corridor with an entrance hall was cut down in the rock, and a funeral chamber followed them. The most famous and most distinguished place here is the burial place of the buried wife of Pharaoh Ramses II - Nefertari Merenmouth, who was a noble lady. Her tomb is generously decorated with fresco images that have been preserved in a fairly good form for today. These drawings are stories about the beauty of the queen, as well as her religion. They do not bear the motive of hostilities, as well as the secular life of Nefertari. The beauty of the tomb of the queen rightfully occupies the most honorable place in the Valley of the Queen. Here also deserves the attention of the tomb of Queen Titi, who, oddly enough, was not robbed, as well as the children of Ramses III . Ramses III's son, Amon Hir Hopsef, has a tomb with decorated walls, mostly drawings with the image of his father. Here even there is an embryo of a child whom the mother of Amon Hir Hopsef lost without giving birth. You can also find the burial of Amenhikhoshef – the minor son of Ramses III, the tomb of which is embellished by the images of his father in the form of a deity – Ptah, Tota, as well as others.

To keep these historical monuments longer - the entrance to the Nefertari tomb, which is considered the main one here, is limited in time, and no more than 150 people are allowed per day. At the same time, visitors should have a mask, and on the legs of a shoe. The restriction also exists due to non-cost login.

Valley of the Queens

Traveling around the country, you just need to visit « Valley of the Queen » - this is the place that will definitely impress you.

Valley of the Queens Valley of the Queens Valley of the Queens Valley of the Queens Valley of the Queens
Valley of the Queens - geographical coordinates
Latitude: 25.716667
Longitude: 32.583333


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