San Pedro de la Roca

The San Pedro de la Rock Fortress – is a famous historical site located in the city of Santiago de Cuba. This building was erected in the XII century to defend the city bay. If we literally translate the name of the fortress, we get « Castle of Three Volkhvs on a hill ». Now San Pedro de la Roca is one of UNESCO's protected historical sites.

San Pedro de la Roca

The fortress project was created back in 1637 by order of the city government under the command of Giovanni Battista Antonelli, which was a military engineer. The main functions that were assigned to the fortress of San Pedro de la Rock were to protect the city from pirate pogroms.

The construction of the fortress lasted as long as 42 years. The erection took place on a steep slope that bulges into the harbor. Nowadays, many tourists visit this historic site. The tour of the territory of San Pedro de la Rock makes it possible not only to see and evaluate the oldest architecture, but also to feel the historical spirit with which its walls are permeated.

San Pedro de la Roca

In the fortress there are many terraces, the strongest defensive walls, as well as bastions.

There was a period when some of the structures of the fortress served as a prison where political prisoners were. But, the main purpose, was still a military man. San Pedro de la Rock has been attacked more than once. The last recorded raid on the fortress was committed in 1898, when there was a war between Spain and America.

Now the walls of the San Pedro de la Rock Fortress are in excellent condition, although the weapon itself has rusted. This fortress is the most preserved among itself similar objects of Cuba. If you are planning a trip to the island of freedom, then be sure to visit this significant defensive structure, from the territory of which incredibly beautiful sea landscapes open.

San Pedro de la Roca San Pedro de la Roca San Pedro de la Roca San Pedro de la Roca San Pedro de la Roca San Pedro de la Roca
San Pedro de la Roca - geographical coordinates
Latitude: 19.968706
Longitude: -75.8703


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