Pirin National Park

In the south-west of Bulgaria, the Pirin National Park is located, the name of the park is associated with the name of the Slavic God of thunder and lightning of Perun. The park is a unique reserve, and since 1983 is a UNESCO World Heritage Site

Pirin National Park

General information

Until 1962, this territory was called the Vikhren National Park, which occupied an area of just over 60 km2. In 1974, the park was expanded and changed its name to Pirin Park. By 1979, the size of the territory reached over 400 km2.

The length of the mountain range is 75 kilometers, and their highest point is 2914 m., Be on Mount Vikhren, the second highest in all of Bulgaria. More than 40 peaks of the ridge rise to a height of over 2600 m. Forests growing at the foot of the Pirin Mountains are considered unique. Some of the trees have been growing here for 300 years, among them there is a huge Baltic pine, more than 1300 years old. She is considered one of the oldest trees on the planet.

Pirin National Park

The park has many animals, birds, fish. Most of the park is inaccessible to humans, so living nature here feels like a full-fledged mistress.

Features of the park Pirin

There are two reserves in the park. Bayuvi-Dupki — Djindjiritsa is the oldest reserve in Bulgaria, was created to protect the unique species of pine and other plants located on these lands. Many mosses are listed in the Red Book. The animals living here are also protected by the authorities: brown bears, chamois, foxes, marten and many others.

The Yulen Nature Reserve, established in 1994, with the aim of monitoring the growth of alpine plants, without human influence and to protect animals living here. There are many streams on the territory of the reserve, they flow from the high mountain lakes and form small rivers during the merger. In the vicinity of the reserve are the ruins of an ancient fortress, according to archaeologists, it has remained here since the time of the Roman Empire.

For lovers of outdoor activities in the park there are labeled paths, with routes of varying complexity. For a comfortable stay, several recreation centers have been built and parking lots for overnight stays on the route are equipped. But to coordinate the campaign, you will need to contact the park management.

Pirin National Park is very popular with winter sports enthusiasts. The most favorable period is the time from the beginning of February to the end of March. There is still snow in the mountains, but the air temperature is already plushing. One of the best resorts in this region is the city of Bansko, there are many hotels for every taste.

Pirin National Park is a wonderful combination of nature care and a comfortable stay for a person. Here you can spend a weekend with your family or spend a full vacation full of active entertainment.

Pirin National Park Pirin National Park Pirin National Park Pirin National Park Pirin National Park Pirin National Park
Pirin National Park - geographical coordinates
Latitude: 41.666667
Longitude: 23.5


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