Spanish Riding School

Spanish Riding School – one of Vienna's attractions. The oldest school was created in the middle of the 16th century, it is located in the palace ensemble of the winter royal residence of Hofburg.

Spanish Riding School

This is the only educational institution where for 450 years the true ancient traditions of the classical riding era of the Renaissance have been cultivated and honored. In those days, purebred Spanish breeds of stallions were appreciated, and with them in Europe the art and riding style of the formed in Spain spread. The style was characterized by strong contact between the rider and the horse, and the ride itself was accompanied by the implementation of elements of high technical complexity. Many elements were borrowed from combat techniques, required serious preparation and coordination of the actions of the rider and horse.

School history

The start of the Spanish Riding School is considered to be 1572, when the first wooden stable was erected at the command of Charles II. The purpose of this event was to give riding lessons to aristocratic individuals. At first, only horses of the Spanish breed were bred. Then they began work on the development of new breeds, as a result of which lipitsyans were bred. As a result of crossing several thoroughbred species of horses brought from different parts of Europe and Asia, a naturally balanced breed of horses was obtained, with the right posture, flexible neck, strong legs. This structure is ideal for horses performing complex elements.

Spanish Riding School

In 1681, Emperor Charles VI issued a decree establishing a project in the Hofburg Palace of Indoor Stone Manege. Its construction was carried out from 1729 to 1735. The creation of the building project was entrusted to architect Joseph Emanuel Fisher von Erlach. A magnificent large winter arena was built, the architecture of which is more like a palace than a playpen. In the sparkling whiteness hall decorated with columns, there are two tiers for the audience. On the wall, opposite the box, there is still a portrait of Emperor Charles VI riding a Lipician horse. Bereytors, according to established tradition, going on a playpen, salute the emperor.

In 1918, after the end of World War I, the village of Lipitsa passed into the possession of Italy, so the horse-drawn plant was transported to Piber, where it continues to be.

Horse training

Now at the Spanish Riding School they work exclusively with Lipician stallions. This is a friendly breed of horses, characterized by plastic and a desire to work in tandem with a rider.

The school begins training stallions from the age of three, and at first they get used to the saddle and work environment. This period is called heating, it lasts about six months. Then, gradually, instructors begin to work with them. After the first year, stallions switch to phased training, from simple element designs to more complex tricks. A horse is given a full course of study after 8-10 years. Only horses with highly refined skill in fulfilling elements are allowed to perform performances.

Training of breakers

You can apply for training of bearers from the age of 18, while the applicant should not have the experience of riding. Each student learns from an experienced horse, then begins to train a young horse from the very beginning. Training lasts several years. In the first six months or a year, only the correct posture is developed. Then the student transfers to a more experienced horse. The rider is ready to fulfill the elements of higher education for the third year of study. The full course of study lasts 6-8 years, after which work continues to improve its skills.

Morning workout

On weekdays, during morning training, the playpen opens the door for visitors. In the morning classes, horses are strengthened by different muscle groups, cereals and hind legs. During training, horses are released, given to relax the muscles, and then program elements of higher education are instilled and worked out. Such training helps to improve the performance of numbers during performances.


On weekends, the school hosts bewitching performances that are not inferior in entertainment to circus performances. To the music of Strauss and Chopin, graceful white horses of Lipitsian breed, under the riders in white tailcoats, go out on the play. They perform elements honed over the years, delighting the public. The most charming number is the ballet of white stallions. The elements that they show on the arena go beyond the notions of the abilities of horses.

In addition to an exciting performance, the Spanish Riding School invites tourists to the Museum of Lipician Horses, as well as visit the Imperial Stables. In 2015, the Spanish Riding School was ranked by UNESCO as the cultural heritage of mankind.

Spanish Riding School Spanish Riding School Spanish Riding School Spanish Riding School Spanish Riding School Spanish Riding School
Spanish Riding School - geographical coordinates
Latitude: 48.2075
Longitude: 16.366111


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