Mozarthaus Vienna

In one of the alleys of the center of Vienna, in the so-called Inner City, at Domgasse 5, from 1784 to 1787, lived the great musician Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, along with his wife Constance. This is the only building in which the musician lived, preserved to this day. And although he lived in Vienna for more than 10 years, it was this house, which was located only a hundred meters from the Cathedral of St. Stephen, that he loved most. Here he received his friends and musicians - Haydn, Beethoven, here was born the outstanding opera "Wedding Figaro" and several other works.

Mozarthaus Vienna


Until 1716, there were only 2 floors in the building, then another 3 floors were added to it. The couple lived on the second floor, in an apartment with four spacious rooms, two small rooms and a small kitchen. The museum was opened on the 150th anniversary of the death of musical genius. In 1945, the possession of the museum passed to the Vienna City Museum. In 2006, the restoration of the building ended, which cost the city treasury 8 million euros. It opened an updated museum called the Mozart House. The most skilled restorers worked to recreate the situation of those times, preserving the recognizable Baroque style.

Acquaintance with the House of Mozart

Now, the 4th floors of the building are occupied by the museum of the great composer. Multimedia installations are installed in the lobby, returning as if to those distant times. On the installed interactive screens you can see the recordings of various concerts and listen to the famous works of a brilliant musician and composer. The cafe "Figaro" serves punch, prepared according to old secret recipes. And in the store, which is located right there, you can buy various souvenirs with a portrait of the composer.

Mozarthaus Vienna

Journey through the floors

Acquaintance with the museum begins on the fourth floor. Here you can see paintings, statues, photographs of your favorite places that Mozart visited. Video screens will talk about who he served, with whom he was friends, that he loved to wear. For someone, it becomes the discovery of his passion for gambling and Freemasonry. On the third floor there is an acquaintance with the musical world of the great genius. Here are exhibits dedicated to the most famous works: "Don Juan", "Wedding Figaro", "Requiem", "Magic Flute". The floor is saturated with the spirit of classical music. Exhibits are: theater costumes, musical instruments, partitions, manuscripts. Mozart always gravitated to ostentatious luxury. There were elegant outfits in his wardrobe. The second floor, where the composer actually lived, retained the atmosphere of those times when Mozart lived and created here. Several household items of the 18th century have survived. Among them are a music watch and a chess table. Musical watches perform a variation that he wrote specifically for this watch in 1790. From the interior of that era, only the ceiling, walls, kitchen stove, lined with a tile, wooden window panels and a door have been preserved. And, of course, in the house of the great maestro, there must be a concert hall. It was arranged on the very lower floor. To this day, Bosendorfer Hall constantly holds concerts of classical and chamber music, and wonderful acoustics help immerse itself in the magical world of music.

The building has an underground floor, in the house of Mozart various events are held, held under the auspices of the European Union: summits, conferences, meetings, etc. Although the museum is not part of the most important attractions of the city, it is always full of connoisseurs of classical music and the work of genius.

Mozarthaus Vienna Mozarthaus Vienna Mozarthaus Vienna Mozarthaus Vienna Mozarthaus Vienna
Mozarthaus Vienna - geographical coordinates
Latitude: 48.207931
Longitude: 16.375578


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