Bibury Village

The village of Biburi is located on the southwestern side of Great Britain and is the most English, oldest and most picturesque village in the region. Biburi is a place for romantics with enchanting rural landscapes, with a reigning atmosphere of peace and tranquility. Here, despite the small size of the village, architecture in its original form is preserved. The pristine view is preserved in the village, and it is rightfully considered the heart of England.

Bibury Village

The hallmark of the village of Biburi are houses built in the 17th century, the ancient church of St. Mary, the remains of the fortress, as well as Arlington Row - stone looms. The beauty of the village is complemented by picturesque streets and bridges spread across the river.

The houses in the village are built of limestone called oolite with a tuberous surface similar to caviar, which is mined in a local quarry. Fences and various structures are also erected from this material. Local residents joke that everything can be done from the shell except for pudding. Since this material is very expensive, they treat it very carefully, they disassemble it in collapsing buildings, and again use it in construction. Each house – is a relic of the village, and cozy houses seemed to come to life from the picture. The Church of St. Mary was erected in the twelfth century in the Saxon style. Until our time, the beauty of stained-glass windows decorating it has been preserved.

Bibury Village

There is an island in the village called « TAG1 String Island. Previously, the village was a center of handicrafts, weaving and wool trade. Wool was washed in the river, and then dried on hangers. From here the name of the island went.

Nearby is another attraction – Fisherman's farm, justified more than a hundred years ago, which is still open to this day. In her bodies of water, the life of microflora is maintained. And every year trout eggs are released from here.

Today, the population of the village of Biburi is made up of the indigenous hereditary heirs, but increasingly began to buy houses here rich and famous artists, poets, actors. They rest here and gain energy.

The beauty of the village of Biburi with unique landscapes is described in works of art by the English writer and artist William Morris. Films such as « Bridget Jones Diary », films about Miss Marple, were shot here.

To see the beauty of the village untouched by modern blessings, to relax from the bustle of the city and the authorities, it is worth visiting the village of Biburi.

Bibury Village Bibury Village Bibury Village Bibury Village Bibury Village Bibury Village
Bibury Village - geographical coordinates
Latitude: 51.758
Longitude: -1.832


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