Mount Rainier National Park

Mount Rainier is a national park located on US lands in Washington State. The total area it occupies is close to 954 km2. The park was founded back in 1889 and is named after the Reinir volcano, which is located in the middle of the park. The height of this stratovolcano is about 4392 meters, which stands out sharply in this territory, since on average, the height of the park ranges from 400 to 1500 meters above sea level. Around the highest peak reserve, there is a mountain range with chic waterfalls, a variety of valleys, meadows on which flowers bloom, as well as rarest forests.

Mount Rainier National Park

The volcano present here, very often « will build » the weather in the park, as it delays many clouds from which precipitation falls, which in turn often leads to devastating floods. The top of the Rainier is covered with glaciers, of which 26 are personalized. They, along with snow cover, have a very massive look. Among the personalized glaciers are distinguished by Carbon, Emmons, which occupy a fairly large part of the territory. It’s not difficult to get to Nisqually using the famous 149 km road called “Country of Miracles”, which leads mountains to glaciers, providing tourists with the opportunity, will enjoy the local landscapes. Glaciers have changed their size very much lately, which is evidence of a climate change. The Reinir volcano is considered not yet completely faded, since its activity was recorded after the last eruption in 1820-1854. This assumption does not scare local residents, and they continue to actively settle nearby.

The vegetation of Mount Rainier Park is represented by forests, among which pine, fir, cedar are often found. Forest massifs smoothly turn into flowering meadows, as well as valleys. The rich enough is the fauna of the park, which is represented by many mammals, among them there are bears, moose, deer. Here, very often you can meet invertebrates of the animal world, and also impresses the diversity of birds.

Mount Rainier National Park

Mount Rainier National Park is visited by approximately 2 million tourists annually, which puts it on a par with Grand Canyon, Zion, Yellowstone National Parks. One of the most popular places among tourists is the southern slope of Paradise Valley". The reserve has developed route paths along which you can take a walk on foot or skiing. Guests of the reserve are happy to spend time here, doing a wide variety of things: hiking in the mountains, camping holidays, as well as various houses.

Mount Rainier National Park Mount Rainier National Park Mount Rainier National Park Mount Rainier National Park Mount Rainier National Park Mount Rainier National Park
Mount Rainier National Park - geographical coordinates
Latitude: 46.852778
Longitude: -121.760278


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