Sochi Autodrome

In the Adlerovsky district of Sochi, there is the only racing track in Russia for conducting Formula 1 class races called Sochi Autodrom.

Sochi Autodrome

The racetrack was built specifically for the 2014 Winter Olympics, and the stadium itself was located inside the Sochi Olympic Park. In 2010, they signed a contract with Formula One Management for a period of 7 years for conducting Formula 1 races in the Sochi Autonomous Region. In total, about 6 billion rubles were spent on the construction of a complex for racing from the treasury. In 2014, the stadium was officially opened, then the first Formula 1 races of the Russian Grand Prix came. All cultural events dedicated to racing take place at 3 days. On the first day, visitors take a walk along the racetrack, see how racing cars are prepared for the start of the competition, take an autograph from their favorite rider, and participate in entertainment programs. In the following days, visitors are entertained by artists and singers.

Sochi Autodrom designed by German Tilke - the architect of the Formula 1 tracks from Germany. The complex deals with an area of almost 39 hectares, which houses a large circle ( 5848 meters ) and a small length of 2312 meters. The highest speed that the racing car reached during the Formula 1 races is 334.4 km / h, at an average speed of 215 km / h. The width of the track depending on the site varies from 13 to 15 meters.

Sochi Autodrome

Outside the territory of the Autonomous Region, you can buy souvenirs with the symbols of Formula 1, have a bite to eat, listen to artists on Medal Square. During the award ceremony in Sochi, Autodrome opens the gate at the main rostrum and you can see how the winners are awarded.

The rest of the time, when the Formula 1 race does not take place at the stadium, excursions are conducted for visitors. For a fee, you can ride a racing taxi for 3000 rubles, master classes from professionals are 2 times more expensive, track sessions ( 2000 p. ). Well, if you yourself want to feel like a racer, then for 15,000 rubles you can participate in time attack, where drivers take prizes according to the time of passage of the circle.

Sochi Autodrome Sochi Autodrome Sochi Autodrome Sochi Autodrome Sochi Autodrome Sochi Autodrome
Sochi Autodrome - geographical coordinates
Latitude: 43.410278
Longitude: 39.968271


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