Bavarian Forest National Park

The Bavarian Forest is a national park in Germany, founded in 1970 on an area of 243 km2. Nearby is the Czech Sumava National Park, together with which they form one of the largest environmental protection zones in Central Europe.

Bavarian Forest National Park

Nature conservation

The management of the Bavarian Forest adheres to the philosophy - “Leave nature alone”, and always respects it. Nature in the park develops at its own pace, and the park administration monitors this in every possible way. Guests are always welcome in the Bavarian Forest and invite them to watch the process of formation of the virgin forest from special viewing platforms and trails.

You can walk along the untouched mid-altitude mountainous terrain, which is 95% covered with forests. In addition to forests, the park has mysterious swamps, swift mountain streams, and Lake Rachelsee, formed under the pressure of a glacier. The attractions of the park include excursion routes: Vatzli Grove, the Seelensteig trail, the Rachel-Falkenstein forest massif, the Steinberg rock ridge, the St. Oswald Museum.

Bavarian Forest National Park

The Bavarian Forest is characterized by long, snowy winters, during which temperature fluctuations depend on the range of altitudes (from 600 to 1453 meters). Under the influence of the harsh climate, the flora and fauna characteristic of this area was formed. In the national park you can meet: eagle owls, great owls, crows, otters, wood grouse, hazel grouse, and three-toed woodpeckers. Many animals are collected in the enclosures of the menagerie near the city of Neuschenau. Near Mount Falkenstein there is a playground and a camp where children can get acquainted with the nature of the Bavarian forests.

Fun in the Bavarian Forest

There are more than 300 kilometers of hiking routes for visitors in the park, and cyclists have not been forgotten, who are provided with 200 km of routes, and in winter there is a section for skiers, because for them there are routes with a total length of 80 km. Visitors can get all the important information at the Hans-Eisenmann-Haus information center near Neuschönau, where there is also a botanical garden and a Japanese rock garden. Free thematic excursions have also been developed for travelers, which are held here from the New Year until November.

At the moment, the Bavarian Forest is only threatened by acid rain, since it is located next to the industrial centers of Bavaria. In such a neighborhood, the forest is saved only by its harsh climate.

Bavarian Forest National Park Bavarian Forest National Park Bavarian Forest National Park Bavarian Forest National Park Bavarian Forest National Park Bavarian Forest National Park
Bavarian Forest National Park - geographical coordinates
Latitude: 48.966667
Longitude: 13.383333


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