Krumlov Castle

Krumlov Castle is one of the largest castles in the Czech Republic, located in the town of Cesky Krumlov. Since 1992, the castle has been included in UNESCO World Heritage Sites.

Krumlov Castle

In the annals, the castle was first mentioned in 1240, it seems to have been erected by the feudal Vitek II Elder. In 1253 they rebuilt, and already in 1274 the settlements at the castle were united in the city of Cesky Krumlov. In 1302, the castle by inheritance law went to the Vitkovichi family from Rozhmberk. Since now, the castle has begun to expand significantly. But because of the unsuccessful political intrigues of the heads of the family, they went bankrupt, and they had to sell the castle to King Rudolf II for debts. In 1622, the Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire, Ferdinand II, gave the castle to Hans Ulrich von Eggenberg, at the same time giving the title of Duke of Krumlovsky. Later, a deep reconstruction followed, during which the castle gained an image of the Baroque architecture. A wooden theater was still built nearby. In the 1950s, Krumlovsky Castle became the property of Czechoslovakia.

Krumlovsky castle is located on the cape, which is washed by the Vltava River. It is possible to get into it only by passing the bridge. In the southern part of the castle there are stables, a fountain, a warehouse with salt. Walking along the bridge over the Bear's pits you can reach the Lower Castle, here you can see the palace with a tower of the 13th century nearby. A magnificent view of the entire district opens from the tower. The facade of the lower castle is decorated with frescoes and wall paintings from the plaster ( graffito ). You can get to the Upper Castle on another bridge. In this part is the chapel of St. Jirzhi, a palace with old tapestries, paintings.

Krumlov Castle

From the Upper Castle on the unique five-tier Plasche bridge you can go to the castle theater. The two upper tiers are the corridors of the theater, and parapets adorn copies of the statues of the castle museum. Castle Theater is considered an important attraction of the castle and is notable for the fact that it is one of the first baroque palace theaters in Europe. His scene was preserved in its original form, and dressing rooms and backstage are costumes and decorations in which castle actors performed in the 17th century.

Krumlovsky castle Krumlovsky castle Krumlovsky castle Krumlovsky castle Krumlovsky castle Krumlovsky castle
Krumlov Castle - geographical coordinates
Latitude: 48.8125
Longitude: 14.315278


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