Mount Emay

Mount Emey is China's National Park in Sichuan. Emey, like Putoshan, Utayshan and Jiuhuashan, are sacred mountains of Buddhist religion. Because of this, there were over 100 temples and monasteries in this region before the "Cultural Revolution of China. Right now, about 20 are left, some of which are in a deplorable state, but thanks to tourism there is money for the reconstruction of temples.

Mount Emay

According to legend, an artist stayed for the night in one of the temples. For this, he gave the monk 4 paintings in which beautiful girls were depicted. Before leaving, the artist warned the monk to hide the paintings in the trunk of the tree for 49 days. But the monk was struck by the beauty of the girls and ignoring the warnings, he immediately hung in the hall. Soon the monk went away on business and returning found that the girls were laughing in the hall, and there were no more images in the paintings. Realizing that these are girls from the paintings, he chased after them, but only managed to grab one by them by the skirt as she immediately turned into a mountain, like other girls. This explains why 3 mountains are nearby, and one in the distance.

The first built temple on the mountain is Vannians ( Temple of ten thousand years ), it houses the statue of Samantabhadra. According to legend, Samanthabhadra managed to clear his mind and flew from the top of the mountain on his white three-headed elephant. Since then, the mountain is considered sacred. Also next to Emey is the largest Buddha statue on the planet - Big Buddha Lashan, which is also a World Heritage Site. Pilgrimage to Mount Emey began around the 6th century and the number of people wishing to walk through the mountain range is growing steadily. For all visitors, the Jindinsa Temple is open, located at an altitude of 3077 meters at the very top of Mount Emey. For this he was called the "Charm of the Golden Peak". The temple was completely reconstructed, so it is most safe for visitors. For tourists in the park, only a couple of paths are equipped, but still ahead. Now travelers can use 2 paths for 2-3 days of hiking, or either use a phanikuler. Some temples offer overnight for tourists, so getting money for reconstruction.

Mount Emay

The Lanshaft of the National Park was formed for millions of years under the influence of volcanic eruptions, forming a unique, different nature. Over 500 plants grow in the park, among which a rare dove tree, which has almost completely disappeared. The flowers of the tree take the shape of a dove and during sunrise there is a feeling that the pigeons curl near the tree. A large amount of vegetation is current in half of the park, in the same places there are a large number of waterfalls. In other places, very steep cliffs, which are almost always covered with fog. More than 2,000 animals, uncut, z0 birds are recorded in Emey Park, of which there are often: pandas, antelopes, monkeys, eagles, butterflies. Emey also has a monkey reserve, they are not at all afraid of travelers and are often chosen to beg for a treat on the road.

Here, one of the main directions of the ear - Kung Fu Emey School, was born. According to legend, during the war of the kingdoms in 403-221 BC, monks lived here. One of them is Sytusyuankun, watching the monkeys move and immobilize their movements. So he invented his style of the « Emey Tunbeitsuan », which in addition to offensive techniques also has defensive ones.

In the park you can see the unique natural phenomena of Nimbus Buddha". Nimbus Buddha can be seen seventy times a year. Nimbus Buddha is a natural phenomenon that appears when fog is refracted by light. To see a silhouette of a person - you need to stand in a high place, or on the top of a mountain.

Mount Emay Mount Emay Mount Emay Mount Emay Mount Emay Mount Emay
Mount Emay - geographical coordinates
Latitude: 29.519722
Longitude: 103.3325


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