
Medanos is one of the national parks of Venezuela, spread over 91,280 km2. In fact, the park is a desert, the dunes of which stretch to 30 km, and reach a height of 40 meters.


The park is located near the town of Koro by the road leading to the Paraguana Peninsula. The park includes the Medanos isthmus, desert, mangroves and salt marshes. Desert territory is increasing every day. Strong sea winds drive dunes, causing desertification of coastal territories. The same constant winds led to the formation of the Medanos desert, since the local sand is the result of wind erosion of the rocks. For a long time, tropical winds ground the rocks, burning sand into the dunes, which were constantly in motion and changed shape.

Like any desert, there is rather meager vegetation, in total here you can meet no more than 60 species of plants. These include various cacti, mangroves, legumes, as well as several species of poisonous plants. From the representatives of the animal world in Medanos there are iguanas, bats, lizards, ants, rabbits and foxes. From birds you can see hawks, partridges, pigeons, pelicans, herons and Easter cakes.


Of the attractions of Medanos Park, it is worth noting the ancient roads built before the Columbus discovered these lands, there is also a chapel. The chapel was built in memory of people who died in the desert in 1912 and did not find drinking water.

Heavy rains are very rare, and if they do, they form lagoons among the dunes as the Lensois-Maranensis National Park. In the national park you can engage in sailing, skiing, surfing and diving, make fire and put up tents only in designated places.

Medanos Medanos Medanos Medanos Medanos Medanos
Medanos - geographical coordinates
Latitude: 11.606419
Longitude: -69.737631


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