New Forest National Park

New Forest is one of the many national parks in the UK. Almost completely located in Hampshire County and a small part in Wiltshire. After all efforts to restore the park and increase the diversity of its animal world, it was decided to establish a national park on the lands of New Forest in 1999. But its size was determined by current in June 2004, and publicly opened in April 2005, covering an area of 571 km2.

New Forest National Park

Initially, the entire area of modern New Forest was covered with lush forests, which were cut down during the bronze century under the arable land. Soon, farmers realized that the local lands were unsuitable for agriculture and were abandoned, forming a large number of glades and wastelands. In 1079, these forests were noticed by the English king William I the Conqueror, proclaiming them the royal forest for deer hunting. At some point, the forest was forgotten, but the increased role of the fleet in politics led to the fact that local forests went to the construction of ships for the Royal Navy and for the army. During the First and Second World Wars, deforestation was particularly active. In order to somehow make up for such losses for nature, the British instead of deciduous trees planted coniferous ones. At the moment, deciduous trees take up, displacing coniferous. Approximately 90% of the land in New Forest belongs to the British monarchs, just over 50% of all the land holdings of the royal family in England.

On the lands of the New Forest Park live several types of deer: lan, noble deer, spotted deer, Chinese munjak. Here is the region of origin of a special type of pony - New Forest Pony. From other species of animals, a large number of reptiles should be noticed. The park is home to martens, foxes, roe deer, a copper, an ordinary gadyuk, lizards.

New Forest National Park

The local picturesque places of New Forest Park are attracting more and more tourists every year. The most interesting places are in the village of Bühli. There, in the noble manor house, is the National Museum of Engines, which contains more than 300 antique cars. It’s best to move in the park by taking a bike, or just take a walk.

New Forest National Park New Forest National Park New Forest National Park New Forest National Park New Forest National Park New Forest National Park
New Forest National Park - geographical coordinates
Latitude: 50.866667
Longitude: -1.566667


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