Blickling Hall

Blinghamshire Count Manor, located in the UK on an area of almost 20 km2. It is believed that the estate was designed by the same architect as Hatfield House.

Blickling Hall

The Blicling Hall is famous for its ancient library and garden, the improvement of which was carried out by all generations of site owners. The library contains historically very important manuscripts and books, among which the very first sermons of the British. During the battle for England, the Blickling Hall, like many other suburban estates, was confiscated for the needs of the state. After the war, the estate was returned to the owners, but in 1960 the National Fund again passed. After restoration in 1982, the estate was open to all.

Rumor has it that during the anniversary of the death of Anna Boleyn, her headless ghost is seen here, because they believe that she was born here. Anna Boleyn was beautiful and smart, which attracted the attention of King Henry VIII. After some time, the stall broke off relations with his wife and Anna became the queen. Anna was very demanding - the king did not like this, and besides, she could not give birth to his son. I don’t think for long, the king found a new favorite for himself, and Anna was accused of treason, for which she was chopped off in 1536. In addition to Anna, at the Blickling Hall Manor, you can meet the knight John Fastolf killed during the war, as well as General Henry Hobart, who was killed during a duel. They say that they are often seen by a fireplace drinking tea. It is not surprising that there are many rumors of ghosts in the castles of Great Britain, because over their history the walls have seen many bloody battles and sieges, court conspiracies and betrayals. The ghosts are a real UK attraction, even there are special services for study and classification.

Blickling Hall
Blickling Hall Blickling Hall Blickling Hall Blickling Hall Blickling Hall Blickling Hall
Blickling Hall - geographical coordinates
Latitude: 52.8118
Longitude: 1.2318


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