Museum of folk architecture and life of Ukraine

Near the town of Pirogovo is the Museum of Folk Architecture and Life of Ukraine, which contains old architectural buildings and household items from all over Ukraine. Among the people, it is called the Pirogovo Museum.

Museum of folk architecture and life of Ukraine

The museum is located on the outskirts of Kiev, on an area of 133 hectares. The history of the museum began with the publication of a letter asking to create a museum of folk culture. Soon, ethnographers made a plan to collect exhibits for the museum, and in 1976 he opened his doors to visitors. In total, 275 examples of buildings were collected here, which were previously built in the 16-20 centuries in Ukraine. All exhibits are grouped according to the characteristics of a particular region. They also transported windmills, churches and household items from all over the country. In the courtyards there are over 50,000 household items, musical instruments, as well as a large collection of folk women and men's clothing.

From time immemorial, most of the territories of Ukraine are covered with forests. Due to this availability, the tree was used wherever possible - from dishes to the hut and cart. Home building technologies have been passed down from generation to generation, while maintaining their conservatism. The house, built in a 19th-century village in Ukraine, was not much different than the house built in the 10th century. The differences were only in the decoration of the house. In the museum of folk architecture and life of Ukraine, as usual, the peasant farmsteads of the Middle Ages looked like. In Ukraine, houses where you can constantly live are called huts, seasonal huts and kureni. The farmstead was divided into 2 parts: a hardware and a clean courtyard. In pure were the hut, cellar, wells, in the farm shed, stables, warehouses for storing inventory and certainly there was a large garden. The courtyard, as a rule, was fenced with a large fence with 1 entrance, forming a kind of fortress. Such a complex of buildings in the Carpathians is called "citizen". Huts were made of logs, linden was especially appreciated from trees. Inside, tails, straw, clay were usually used for decoration. The roof was covered with small boards ( ), or with reed or straw. This choice of materials made at home extremely fire hazardous.

Museum of folk architecture and life of Ukraine

The Pirogovo Museum also has buildings intended for all villagers: schools, oil slaughterhouses, forges, churches, mills. Until the 18th century, mills were water, then only windmills appeared. Each region had its own mill frame. In the southern regions of Ukraine, windmills were installed in groups, sometimes you can see over 10 mills in one place. In steppe regions they were made very high, up to 12 meters in height. In Polesie they were made in forests on the hills. Quite often, windmills decorated with carvings for beauty.

The Pirogovo Museum perfectly presents the internal and external decoration of houses, as well as their secret meaning. Flowers and birds painted over the windows said that there is a guy or a girl in the hut for extradition. It was believed that small crosses painted on a gate or house protect the house. Also, extended towels, ligaments with garlic and herbs were hung on the windows as amulets. The floor in the hut was clay, wooden could only be afforded by wealthy peasants, by the 19th century the tree rose significantly in price due to the depletion of their reserves, therefore, only the gods could afford houses from the log house, the rest built frame houses.

The museum has a great weekend break. If you wish, you can ride a horse, try folk dishes, biting everything with a delicious barbecue in numerous taverns and taverns.

Museum of folk architecture and life of Ukraine Museum of folk architecture and life of Ukraine Museum of folk architecture and life of Ukraine Museum of folk architecture and life of Ukraine Museum of folk architecture and life of Ukraine Museum of folk architecture and life of Ukraine
Museum of folk architecture and life of Ukraine - geographical coordinates
Latitude: 50.354444
Longitude: 30.512222


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