
Naarden is located in the Netherlands near Amsterdam. The sights of this city are its historical part, which is presented in the form of a fortress with an unusual hexagonal shape resembling a star. This is one of the surviving bastions, which is located in Europe. This fortress with double walls, as well as dug canals, which are filled with water, around.


Naarden in the 13th century was a small town where the only road to Asterdam took place. That is why a fortification was created here. Since there was no special money allocated for this, the city was very vulnerable. And as a consequence, when Louis captured the XIV Netherlands, this town was effortlessly with the French papor. But still, by 1673, the Dutch gradually managed to recapture this territory and erected a fortress here, which is presented to us today as a memory of the historical past. This fortress, for seven centuries, has been relentlessly involved in military operations between Holland, Germany, England.

Later, in the 19th century, tremendous work was done to strengthen Naarden. And as a result, many bomb shelters, various barracks and arsenals appeared. By the end of this century, the firepower of the army was very strengthened and the need for this fortress gradually disappeared. After the First World War, when the troops left the city, they decided to make a historical museum, which provided a lot of information about those not quiet times.


Today, tourists have the opportunity to visit this beautiful unusual fortress. On its territory, Naarden is a collection of guns, both in the open air and in its premises. You can also go down to the tunnels to look at the exhibits of soldiers, who also move, and also talk. Tourists are offered to walk along long underground corridors that have very good audibility. They once served to listen, so that the enemy accidentally did not make his way secretly.

Guests of the city can also attend the photo festival, which is held in Naarden annually. The works of photographers are exhibited simply on the buildings of the fortress.

This place is known among car lovers, so here is an exhibition of Porsche cars, where participants even have the opportunity to purchase this rarity.

Naarden Naarden Naarden Naarden Naarden Naarden
Naarden - geographical coordinates
Latitude: 52.3
Longitude: 5.15


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